College-wide programs and initiatives give the College of Arts and Letters a competitive advantage in student recruitment and retention.
To make those programs possible, COAL relies on the support of its community. Donations are often key to offering scholarships and experiences to students, and the holidays are a significant time for charitable contributions.
COAL Wish List
Here are a few items on our list that will make ringing in 2016 a little brighter for the COAL community:
Missouri Fine Arts Academy
MFAA plays an important role in fostering the growth and development of some of the most talented young artists—juniors and seniors in Missouri high schools. Participation in this three-week residential program literally changes lives. And because about 25 to 30 percent of the participants end up coming to Missouri State, this program helps COAL as well. We are working to build an endowment for the MFAA so we can guarantee its continuation.

Cost: $250 to $10,000 toward the endowment
Student Success Awards
The COAL Student Success program provides $200 (sometimes more) to help students defray the costs of demonstrating their skills — from travel expenses to present at a conference to specialized packaging/mailing support to send a piece of art to exhibitions. This fund enhances departments’ abilities to provide for their individual students and allows the college to share in bragging rights!
Cost: $200 to support Student Success award
Student Study Away Awards
COAL has set aside funds, and President Smart has matched them, to support short-term study away opportunities for students. With “cultural competence” as one of our pillars of public affairs, we are seeking ways to support students in taking advantage of the many study away opportunities MSU offers. These experiences change students’ perspectives and broaden their horizons in countless ways. Study away can be costly, and students appreciate any support they can get. Our Study Away travel awards range from $500 to $1000 per award.

Cost: $500 to $1,000 to support Study Away
COAL General Fund
This fund helps us do all kinds of things, many of which come up unexpectedly, including faculty travel, purchase of specialized equipment, and so forth. For example, this spring, we are co-sponsoring a traveling Smithsonian photographic exhibition (“Searching for the Seventies: The DOCUMERICA Photography Project”) with the College of Humanities and Public Affairs — a wonderful opportunity, around which we are building several special events.
Cost: We are happy to accept any and all contributions to our general fund
Various Departmental Projects
Each department has several projects and initiatives under way. Here are several examples:
- Art/Design: Bringing in guest artists to interact with students
- Communication: Bringing in alums and scholars for Communication Week in February
- English: Sending students to conferences
- Media/Journalism/Film: Purchasing specialized equipment for student digital film productions
- Modern and Classical Languages: Helping sponsor MCL’s Modern Language Showcase in spring
- Music: Sending small ensembles and combos to various performance venues
- Theatre/Dance: Supporting students to go to the ACDA dance conference in Chicago, and LA and NYC Showcases in spring
Cost: Any amount would be appreciated
Make your contribution
To make a contribution to any of the above, specify the item you want to underwrite and send your check, payable to Missouri State University Foundation.
Another option available this year is the new online crowdfunding platform that combines many small gifts to help fund specific projects. Several departmental projects are listed on the University’s crowdfunding site, MSU Crowdfunding.