If you haven’t made it to any of the SAC Giving Back Week events there’s a few great ones left today through Friday. Make sure you check those out and have a great time for a great cause!

Wednesday, Nov. 9th
In honor of Native American heritage month SAC Cultural Affairs Presents: Native American Hoop Dancer Brian Hammill. Brian is ranked as one of the best hoop dancers in the world and has won the World Championship Hoop Dancing Competition in 2009 and 2011. Brian will be performing a sneak peek in the PSU Food Court from 12-12:45 PM followed by a full performance from 7-9 PM in the PSU Theater.
Giving Back Week continues with the SAC Weekly Film: Taking Chance with a brief presentation from current and former marines before the film. Check out our preview of the film and catch it Wednesday and Sunday at 9 PM in the PSU Theater. Admission is free.
Thursday, Nov. 10th
SAC After Hours Presents: Discovery Night! The Discovery Center is a fun interactive center where you can spend quality time with your friends! After Hours is hosting a fun night at the Discovery Center! Come and have a blast with us! The event goes from 9 PM – 12 AM at the PSU Food Court.
Friday, Nov. 11th
This Friday is Veterans Day. MSU faculty, alumni, and friends will provide music to commemorate Veterans Day in the PSU Food Court from 9:45 – 10:15 AM as part of Missouri State’s Own in the USO.

Giving Back Week concludes with comedian Amy Schumer. The Last Comic Standing and Comedy Central’s Roast of Charlie Sheen participant will be doing stand-up comedy in the PSU Theater at 7 PM. Admission is free with a suggested donation going to the Joplin relief effort.
SAC will also be hosting Rock N Bowl. Come by the weekly event for free bowling, billiards and games in the Level 1 Game Center from 7:30-10:30 PM.
Saturday, Nov. 12th
On Saturday expand your knowledge of world cultures at Missouri State University’s Association of International Students 33rd Annual International Banquet and Show. The even features foods, dance routines, skits, musical offerings and other performances from Asian, Africa, Latin America and North America. As well as a fashion show featuring traditional costumes from around the world. Tickets are $20 for general admission, $15 for students on sale until Nov. 11th. Check here for more info.
Monday, Nov. 14th
If you’re looking to get more information on the future of health care reform come by Health Care Reform and YOU – A Town Hall Discussion in Springfield. The event is open to the public and will have a brief presentation followed by an open discussion with the audience. The event takes place in the PSU at 7 PM.
Tuesday, Nov. 15th
Interested in MSU’s Study Away program? Check out Study Away 101 in PSU 309 from 10 – 11 AM.
Make your voice heard at the Student Activities Council Meeting and Student Government Association Meeting at 4 PM and 5:30 PM respectively. Both meetings are held in PSU 313.
SAC presents Quite Tickled Tuesday from 7-8:30 PM. Come by and listen to students showcase their comedic talents or show up before the show starts and sign up to perform yourself. Get participation prizes and free food! Event is located in the South Lounge of the PSU.

MSU Athletics
Your Men’s Soccer Bears are the 2011 MVC Regular Season Champions! Make sure to root for them in the MVC Tournament in Omaha, Nebraska this weekend!
- Swimming and Diving vs Missouri at Hammons Student Center – 5 PM
- Men’s Soccer @ MVC Tournament (Drake/Central Arkansas) – 3 PM
- Women’s Volleyball vs. Evansville at Hammons Student Center – 7 PM
- Women’s Basketball @ Louisiana Tech – 7 PM
- Men’s Basketball @ Nevada – 9 PM
- Women’s Cross Country @ NCAA Midwest Regional Championships 6K – 11 AM
- Football vs. Indiana State at Plaster Sports Complex – 1 PM
- Women’s Volleyball vs. Southern Illinois – 7 PM
- Women’s Basketball vs. (9) Louisville at JQH – 2:05 PM
- Men’s Soccer State Farm MVC Tournament Championship – 1:06 PM
If you would like your event featured on the eBulletin contact Jason Yingling (yingling017 AT live.missouristate.edu) or Julie Hill (JulieHill AT MissouriState.edu)