It’s I Heart SAC Week here in the Union. Make sure to stop by for all the great events and be on the lookout for an exciting SAC announcement on Wednesday! We’ve also got tons of athletics this week with baseball and softball starting up. So let’s not waste anytime getting into all of the great events!
The Career Center will be holding career panels for Non-Profit Professionals (10 AM) and Science Professionals (1 PM) in PSU 313. Learn what it’s like to work in either field.
The Office of Student Engagement will be holding Student Safe Zone training from 4 – 7 PM in PSU 308BC. This program will train undergraduate students to be Safe Zone Allies.
Wednesday night SAC Presents: Death Penalty Debate. From 7 – 8:30 PM experts Jeff Jacoby and Bud Welch will be debating the death penalty in the PSU Theater.
Women & Girls Lead Film Screening – Daisey Bates: First Lady of Little Rock will be held in PSU 313 from 12 – 1 PM on Thursday. Feel free to bring a lunch and a drink to the screening. (More info)
SAC After Hours will be hosting the Sweetheart Dance at 9 PM in the PSU Ballroom as part of I Heart SAC Week.

At 10 AM SAC will be giving away free coffee and hot chocolate at Bear Park South while supplies last at the Commuter Coffee Giveaway.
President’s Day! That means no classes and offices are closed.
Resume Madness will be taking place from 10 AM – 4 PM across campus in Glass Hall outside room 103, Strong Hall Atrium, and Professional Building 4th floor. Bring your resume and have it critiqued.
SAC Presents: Quite Tickled Tuesday from 7 – 9 PM. This is your chance to test out your comedy chops in the PSU South Lounge.
MSU Athletics
- Men’s Basketball @ Wichita State – 7:05 PM
- Swimming & Diving @ MVC Women’s Championships – All day

- Baseball vs. Tennessee Tech at Lubbock, TX – 12:00 PM
- Softball vs. Sam Houston at Denton, TX – 12:30 PM
- Baseball @ Texas Tech at Lubbock, TX – 4:00 PM
- Softball @ North Texas at Denton, TX – 5:30 PM
- Women’s Basketball vs. Evansville at JQH Arena – 7:05 PM
- Swimming & Diving @ MVC Women’s Championships – All day
- Baseball vs. Tennessee Tech at Lubbock, TX – 12:00 PM
- Softball vs. South Dakota State at Denton, TX – 3:00 PM
- Men’s Basketball vs. Old Dominion at JQH Arena – 4:00 PM
- Softball cs. Northern Illinois at Denton, TX – 5:30 PM
- Swimming & Diving @ MVC Women’s Championships – All day

- Baseball @ Texas Tech at Lubbock, TX – 2:00 PM
- Women’s Basketball vs. Southern Illinois at JQH Arena – 2:05 PM
- Softball cs. Sam Houston State at Denton, TX – 3:00 PM
- Women’s Golf vs. SMU at Dallas, TX – TBA
- Men’s Golf vs. Rice/Srixon Intercollegiate at Houston, TX – All day
- Men’s Golf vs. Rice/Srixon Intercollegiate at Houston, TX – All day
- Men’s Basketball vs. Indiana State at JQH Arena – 7:05 PM
Campus Recreation
Table Tennis Tournament registration for singles and doubles ends Friday! $5 per individual or $7 per team. Register.
Join Outdoor Adventures for a Caving Trip! The $15 fee includes transportation, headlamp, guides, gloves, and a helmet. The trip is all day on Saturday, March 3. A FREE clinic held on 2/29 is recommended for anyone interested. Register today!
Several opportunities for CPR, First Aid, and Wilderness First Aid certifications are available through our department. These certifications can be a great addition to your resumes for several types of jobs. Details online!
Get moving! Don’t forget that you can drop in to a BearFit class this week. Check out our schedule and find a class that gets you moving here: http://www.missouristate.edu/recreation/23167.htm
Tell Us About Your MSU Experience – MSU wants to improve the student experience, and you can help. Beginning February 14, a group of selected freshmen and seniors will receive an e-mail inviting them to complete the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). For more information contact KellyCara@missouristate.edu.
Life After Missouri State – February 22nd 4-9pm in the Plaster Student Union Theater. Attend 5 sessions focused on success after graduation! Register online at or visit the Facebook page for more information.
Graduate Recruitment Weekend 2012 – Learn about the SAHE master’s program and interview for graduate assistantships on March 8-10. More information available on the website or Facebook. Deadline for graduate assistantship interviews is February 18.
The Office of Student Engagement is sponsoring two Alternative Spring Break Trips that will provide 10-15 students per trip to travel to a major US city, learn about a specific social issue, and provide meaningful service to the community. More information available at the Volunteer Programs website.
There will be an opportunity for up to 40 students to participate in Shelter Training through the American Red Cross on February 18th from 8:30am to 3:30pm. If you are interested in the Shelter Training e-mail Patrick Grayshaw, Assistant Director for Volunteer Programs at PatrickGrayshaw@MissouriState.edu
Stay up to date with local service opportunities in the community and through the Center for Leadership & Volunteerism – To receive the biweekly newsletter simply send an e-mail to volunteer@missouristate.edu expressing your interest.