Information and Deadlines
Plaster Student Union Holiday Tree
due December 14
The Plaster Student Union’s annual holiday tree is up now! Pick up a tag with suggestions for donation items for Rare Breed, Diaper Bank of the Ozarks, or Isabel’s House. Make sure to bring your items back the the PSU by December 14.
Study Day (No Classes/Offices Open)
December 4
Event Details:
No classes/offices open
Final Exam Period
December 5-13
Full semester and second block classes will have a two hour final exam.
For specific times see the final exam schedule
Fall 2015 Full Semester Classes End
December 3
Some classes will extend beyond this date. Such classes will be graded with an NG (no grade available) which will be changed upon conclusion of the course.
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Fall Commencement
December 11
For more information, see the commencement website
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LOGOS: Call for Submissions
November 23
LOGOS: A Journal of Undergraduate Research will accept submissions from all fields until 11:59 pm on February 15. To be eligible for publication, a submission must have been made for an undergraduate course at Missouri State University or an affiliated campus.
LOGOS is dedicated to publishing outstanding work by undergraduates in every
academic discipline, including original research, essays, creative writing, and artwork. Led by Missouri State’s Faculty Advisory Board and Honors College student editors, LOGOS conforms to the highest standards of scholastic integrity in a blind peer-review process.
For submission guidelines and instructions, visit
Direct inquiries to Hanna Landgrebe (
Academic Advising Award Nomination
Due December 9
Two Missouri State University Curtis P. Lawrence Excellence in Advising awards will be presented during the spring semester 2016. One will honor a faculty advisor, and one will honor an advisor who is part of the professional staff. Each recipient will receive a $1,500 cash award, presented at a reception in March.
To nominate an outstanding advisor, please submit the name by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, December 9 to Kathy Davis, director of the Academic Advisement Center. Candidates may be nominated by current students, alumni, or colleagues. Submit the name in a short e-mail to .
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Day of the Covenant
November 26
Day of the Covenant is a festival observed to commemorate Baha’u’llah’s appointment of His son, Abdu’l-Baha, as His successor.
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St. Andrew’s Day
November 30
St. Andrew, believed to have been a fisherman and one of Jesus’ first Apostles, is the patron saint of Scotland. St. Andrew’s Day, Scotland’s national holiday, is a time to celebrate all of aspects of Scottish culture.
December 6-15
This holiday, often misunderstood as the “Jewish Christmas” since it occurs in December, commemorates the victory of the Jewish people, led by the Maccabee family, over the Syrian Greeks in 165 B.C.E. This victory marked the end of a three-year period of religious persecution, restored Jewish independence, and ensured the survival of monotheism (belief in one God). According to legend, whe the Jews returned to cleanse their Temple, which had been defiled by pagan worship, they discovered only enough consecrated oil to keep the holy lamp burning for one day. However, the oil miraculously lasted eight days, the time needed to secure a new supply.
Hanukkah is celebrated by lighting a candle on each of the eight days of celebration. On the first night, one candle is lit in a branched candlestick called a menorah, and an additional candle is lit each night until the eighth night. This ceremony has given the holiday the additional name of “Festival of Lights.” Hanukkah is joyfully celebrated. Special Hebrew hymns, including “Rock of Ages,” are sung, family members exchange gifts, and children play with a dreidel, a four-sided top inscribed with the Hebrew letters for “a great miracle happened there.” Potato pancakes, or latkes, are a traditional food treat, with the oil used for cooking recalling the oil used in the sacred lamp.
A four-sided top for spinning, called a dreidel, is popular for playing various Hanukkah games. Potato pancakes, called latkes, are a very popular food that can be found in many supermarkets or delicatessens.
Jewish holiday observances begin at sunset of the first date listed.
Bodhi Day
December 8
This day marks the time when Prince Siddhartha Gautama, a spiritual teacher and founder of Buddhism, positioned himself under the Pipul tree and vowed to remain there until he attained supreme enlightenment. Buddhist traditions vary as to what Siddhartha’s experience was while meditating under the tree, but all agree that upon the rising of the morning star, he had experienced enlightenment and attained Nirvana; a state of being free from suffering and broken from the cycle of rebirth. Among truth of existence, freeing himself from all human suffering, and finding perfect happiness. The date is based on the Japanese Buddhist calendar.
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Human Rights Day
December 10
Human rights belong equally to each of us and bind us together as a global community with the same ideals and values. As a global community, we all share a day in common – Human Rights Day on December 10 when we remember the creation 63 years ago of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
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International Day of Disabled Persons
December 3
The annual observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3 was established by the International Year for Disabled Persons (1981). The Day aims to promote a better understanding of disability issues with a focus on the rights of persons with disabilities and gains to be derived from the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of the political, social, economic and cultural life of their communities. The goal of full and effective participation of persons with disabilities in society and development was established by the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1982.
A major focus of the Day is practical action to mainstream disability in all aspects of development, as well as to further the participation of persons with disabilities in social life and development on the basis of equality. Highlight progress and obstacles in implementing disability-sensitive policies, as well as promote public awareness of barriers to the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in the lives of their societies.
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Flu Shots at Taylor Health and Wellness
Starting September 25
Flu Shots: Starting 9/25/15 at 1 pm
Reduce the risk of flu illness and ruining your holidays and finals.
Come to Taylor Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4:15 pm for your flu shot.
The cost for the seasonal flu vaccine is as follows:
* MSU employees (full and part-time) – No Cost (paid by MSU health insurance plan)
* Household members of employees – No Cost (paid by MSU health insurance plan)
* Retirees – on MSU insurance – No Cost (paid by MSU health insurance plan)
* Retirees on Medicare – No Cost (paid by Medicare) – Check in at the Business Office prior to receiving injection
* Students – No Cost (paid by Student Fees)
* Others – $29.50
* Please note, Taylor Health and Wellness Center does not vaccinate children under 6 years of age. Ages 6-9 years need to bring a copy of their immunization record to determine if the child needs one or two flu vaccines. If you have children less than 6 years of age, please contact their pediatrician for information about the vaccine.
* If you are on Coumadin (warfarin) we must have an INR lab result in the last 3 weeks equal to or less than 3.5.
* Bring your BearPass Card. Dress for easy access to your upper arm.
If you want more information about the vaccine please go
For more information about receiving your vaccine at Taylor, please call 836-4000.
Native American History Month
In response to an effort by many to gain a day of recognition for the great influence American Indians have had upon the U.S., Congress designated a week of October to celebrate Native American Awareness Week in 1976. Yearly legislation was enacted to continue the tradition until August 1990, when President Bush approved the designation of November as National American Indian Heritage Month. Each year a similar proclamation is issued. President Clinton noted in 1996, “Throughout our history, American Indian and Alaska Native peoples have been an integral part of the American character. Against all odds, America’s first peoples have endured, and they remain a vital cultural, political, social, and moral presence.” November is an appropriate month for the celebration because it is traditionally a time when many American Indians hold fall harvest and world-renewal ceremonies, powwows, dances, and various feasts. The holiday recognizes hundreds of different tribes and approximately 250 languages, and celebrates the history, tradition, and values of American Indians. National American Indian Heritage Month serves as a reminder of the positive effect native peoples have had on the cultural development and growth of the U.S., as well as the struggles and challenges they have faced.
Panamanian Independence Day
November 1-28
The Fiestas Patrias (literally ‘Homeland Festivals’) mark the process by which Panama achieved independence from Spain in 1821, then Colombia in 1903, and (more empirically) from the United States with the handover of the Panama Canal in 1999. The celebration extends over the entire month of November, with various days singled out for their respective honors.
Nov 2 – Day of the Faithful Dead – On this day, processions honor those who fought for Panama’s independence in the many battles that preceded the nation’s full separation from Colombia.
Nov 3 – Separation Day – Inaugural festivities are marked with parades, speeches and celebrations across the nation.
Nov 4 – Flag Day – Tributes are paid to Panama’s red, white and blue flag, which was designed and stitched in secret by Manuel Amador Guerrero and his mother-in-law, Maria Ossa de Amador, so that it would be ready once separation from Colombia was announced.
Nov 5 – Marks the city of Colon’s separation from Colombia, just two days after the country’s capital Panama City made its move.
Nov 10 – Cry of Los Santos – This day marks the public uprising of the town of Los Santos in the province of Los Santos against the Spanish in 1821, triggering similar popular uprisings in town across the country and decisively initiating the move toward full independence from Spain.
Nov 28 – Independence Day – With nationwide separation from Spain finally recognized in 1821, Panama achieves full independence on this day, which is commemorated with the most lavish celebrations of the month, including full-dress military marches, streets packed with dancing and revelry, music, cavalcades and traditional costumes.
Sustainability Newsletter
The Sustainability@MSU newsletter lets students, faculty, staff and community members stay up-to-date on what is happening on campus related to sustainability. The newsletter includes exciting announcements, updates on current programs and upcoming events as well as resources for how to live more sustainably.
Haven is a required online course for all in-coming freshmen and transfer students to complete to initiate understanding of consent, sexual assault, relationship violence, and bystander intervention. If this course is not completed by the student prior to the student’s spring registration date within the student’s first year at Missouri State University, a Registration Hold will be placed on the student’s account. This hold will be lifted from the account once completion of Haven has occurred.
Exhibit: Respecting and Preserving Art and Artifacts
October 19 – December 18, Meyer Library 306
This exhibit features the research of students in the Fall 2014 course ART/MST 488: Basic Conservation of Art and Artifacts. Students in this integrated Citizenship and Service-Learning class researched the objects as part of their course projects. Objects are on loan from the Ralph Foster Museum, Drury University, Christian County Historical Society, the Guy Mace collection, and other private collections. Students also worked on-site at the Union Campground Cemetery in Springfield.
First offered in 2011 by Dr. Billie Follensbee, ART/MST 488 is an innovative, experiential, hands-on course that combines the advanced historical study and research of art and artifacts with an introduction to conservation techniques.
This exhibit is in Special Collections and Archives in Room 306 of Duane G. Meyer Library.
Special Collections and Archives is pleased to support Dr. Follensbee and her students by providing study space and conservation facilities, as well as developing the current exhibit showcasing the students’ work.
Special Collections hours are Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Additional hours are until 9 p.m. on Tuesdays when classes are in session.
Design and Image 2015: Biennial Graphic Design and Illustration Exhibition
October 23 – November 13, Student Exhibition Center
Design & Image 2015 is a biennial exhibition of student work from the Missouri State BFA in Design program, including work from the sophomore through the senior levels in both the graphic design and illustration areas.
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Carrie’s Cafe Open 11:30 AM 4th Floor Pummill Hall
November 2, Carrington Hall Room 208
Carrie’s Café is the popular, student-managed restaurant of the hospitality and restaurant administration department. Students enrolled in HRA 435 (Restaurant Management) design Carrie’s menu, prepare and serve the food and market the restaurant.
Carrie’s Café is open to the public during certain times throughout the semester. Please refer to this website for hours and days of operation.
We are now located on the fourth floor of Pummill Hall. Metered parking available in Lot 22, 24 and 38 (Bear Park South). If parking in metered parking at Bear Park South, the Bear Line Shuttle designated Red Route stops at Carrington which is right next to Pummill.
Days of Operation Fall 2015
October 13, 20, 22, 27, 29
November 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19
December 1
Campus Conflict Workshop: Managing Emotions and Diffusing Anger
November 18, Plaster Student Union Room 315 at 12:00 – 1:00 PM
This workshop series is sponsored by the Center for Dispute Resolution, which is part of the Department of Communication in the College of Arts and Letters at Missouri State.
This session is open to the public; Missouri State faculty and staff are encouraged to register for this course via MyLearningConnection.
Presented by Dr. Char Berquist and Heather Blades
Department of Art+Design Senior BFA in Studio Art Exhibition
November 18, Student Exhibition Center 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
The Department of Art+Design will display the artwork of students completing the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in studio art.
Tough Talk Table Talk
Starting November 11
This is an open forum that will be facilitated by a Sociology faculty member. The topic for the next two weeks of this semester will be Mizzou and Yale racial differences. These sessions are designed to allow students to talk through their differences in a safe non-judgmental environment. Please bring a sack lunch.
Facilitators: Lyle Foster and Dr. Katie Hoegeman
Wednesday, November 11 @ 12:15pm, STRO 409 “Mizzou and Yale racial differences”
Thursday, November 12 @ 12:15pm, STRO 350 “Mizzou and Yale racial differences”
Wednesday, November 18 @ 12:15pm, STRO 409 “Mizzou and Yale racial differences”
Thursday, November 19 @ 12:15pm, STRO 350 “Mizzou and Yale racial differences”
“MSU: I’m First” – First Generation College Student Organizational Meeting
November 19, Plaster Student Union 312B at 6:30 PM
Event Details:
Missouri State University has a new student organization!
MSU: I’m First is a student group devoted to helping Missouri State’s first generation college students build community and get the information they need to succeed in college.
On November 19th, the first organizational meeting of this new group will be held in the Plaster Student Union, room 312 B & C, from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Over 15 faculty and staff members have already volunteered to serve as mentors to the students in MSU: I’m First.
If you are a first generation college student, or someone interested in mentoring this group, please come join us on the 19th to learn more about how MSU: I’m First can help you succeed at MSU.
Marlina Coonrod, SGA:
Mark Biggs, Associate Dean, College of Arts & Letters:
“Plains Indian Hand Game”
November 19, Plaster Student Union 1st Floor at 7:00 PM
The Yellowhair Family, Kiowa from Oklahoma will conduct a “Plains Indian Hand Game” The hand game is a hiding and guessing game accompanied by drumming and singing.
November 17, 7:30 PM, Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts
Grammy® Award winner Chip Davis has created a show that has been America’s favorite holiday tradition for the past 30 years, featuring the Christmas music of Mannheim Steamroller, and dazzling multimedia effects performed in an intimate setting. Tickets: $20 – $55
Aquila Theater in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES
November 18, 7:30 PM, Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts
In this witty, fast paced production, literature’s most legendary sleuth, his trusted sidekick Dr. Watson, and other vivid characters jump from the page to the stage, weaving a tale of mystery, suspense and intrigue. Student rush tickets are available one hour prior to the performance for $10 with a valid student i.d.
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Missouri State Improv – Free Show
November 23 & 30, 9:00 PM, Carrington Hall Room 208
Every Monday night at 9PM, Missouri State Improv hosts a free improv comedy show in Carrington Auditorium! We play games and create hilarious scenes based on audience suggestions! Open to any Missouri State student/staff/faculty member! Always totally FREE!
Our goal is to provide an environment that encourages the learning, teaching, practicing, and performing of improvisational comedy of any form, both in front of audiences and in open or closed workshop settings.
Vicki Stanton Public Speaking Showcase
November 30, 5:00 PM, Plaster Student Union Theater
The Department of Communication presents the Fall 2015 Vicki Stanton Public Speaking Showcase.
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2016 Theater & Dance Main Stage Auditions
November 30, 6:00 – 10:00 PM, December 1, 6:00pm – 10:00pm, Craig Hall Coger Theater
Missouri State University Theatre & Dance
2016 Spring Unified Auditions
Nov. 30 & Dec. 1, 2015 (Call backs Dec. 2-3)
This is a combined Spring 2016 MSU Main Stage Theatre & Dance productions of Uncle Vanya, Hair, and Dutchman.
Auditions for Mainstage Productions will be held in Coger Theatre in Craig Hall.
Uncle Vanya by Anton Chekhov
Directed by Melanie Dreyer-Lude
(5w, 4m)
Production Dates: Balcony Theatre
February 18 – 29 (no Saturdays)
Hair book and lyrics by James Rado and Gerome Ragni and music by Galt MacDermot
Directed by Rick Dines
(5w, 5m, 14 + mixed ensemble)
Production Dates: Coger Theatre
April 7 – 10
Dutchman by LeRoi Jones
Directed by Darryl Clark
(1w, 3m, 5+ “extras”)
Production Dates: PSU Theatre
February 9
To sign up for an audition time, please visit:
CNAS Fall Speaker series at the Library Center, Jim O’Brien and Tamera Jahnke
November 30, 7:00 PM, The Library Center Auditorium
Sherlock Holmes and Flavia de Luce: Comparing the Science – Dr. Tammy Jahnke, dean of the Missouri State University’s College of Natural and Applied Sciences and Dr. James O’Brien, author of “The Scientific Sherlock Homes”, will discuss the science used by popular literary characters Sherlock Homes and Flavia de Luce to crack their cases.
Dr. Tamera Jahnke, Dean, College of Natural and Applied Sciences
Dr. James O’Brien, Emeritus Professor, Chemistry
Study Away 101 – Info Session
December 1, 11:00, Plaster Student Union
Interested in studying abroad but you’re just not sure where to begin? Come to a Study Away 101 session to get preliminary information about studying abroad, various Study Away options, and the application process. These sessions are fun and informal, so just drop by and ask your questions. We hope to see you there!
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Holiday Concert
December 1, 7:30 – 9:30, Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts
Will feature the Grand Chorus and Orchestra.
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Rudolph’s Five & Dime: A Holiday Bazaar
December 3, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm, Blair-Shannon House Grand Lounge
It is that time of year again for Rudolph’s Five & Dime: A Holiday Bazaar! This event will be held in the Blair-Shannon Grand Lounge (across from the Plaster Student Union) on Thursday, December 3, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday, December 4, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. On Friday, there will be a live auction at noon. There will be lots of exciting gifts at the auction including gift cards and homemade baked goods. Springfield community vendors and student organizations will be selling all kinds of items from jewelry to scrap booking materials. Stop by and pick up some last-minute holiday gifts!
All proceeds will go to the Wilda F. Looney Residence Life Leadership Scholarship fund sponsored by the National Residence Hall Honorary and the Department of Residence Life, Housing and Dining Services. If you have questions or would like to make a donation, please contact Travis D. Schilla, Residence Life, Housing, and Dining Services at 836-6591
The Reduced Shakespeare Company – THE ULTIMATE CHRISTMAS SHOW (abridged)
December 4, 7:00 pm, Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts
Welcome to an irreverent yet heartwarming trip through the holidays, full of festive, funny, physical family fun! You can even bring a wrapped Christmas gift of $5 value or less and participate in the audience gift exchange! Student rush tickets are available one hour prior to the show for $10 with a valid student i.d.
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ALICE – Active Shooter Training
December 4, 1:00 – 4:00 pm, Strong Hall Room 002
ALICE – Active Shooter Training
Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate
“Active shooter incidents happen fast. Would you know what to do?”
Offered by the Missouri State University Department of Public Safety and the Springfield Police Department, and hosted by Alpha Phi Sigma – Sigma Mu Sigma.
This is a unique opportunity to learn about active shooter incidents and how to respond. A 2 hour training component and 1 hour of scenario based exercises are included. The training is free and open to all MSU Faculty, Staff and Students, and members of the community.
The training will take place from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. in Strong Hall 002.
To register, please contact Kirsten Spangenberg at:
Springfield Police Department
Missouri State University Department of Public Safety
“Ask the Experts” Open Session
December 4, 2:00 – 4:00 pm, Cheek 100 Technology Training Center
Computer Services hosts “Ask the Experts” Open Sessions every Friday afternoon from 2:00 – 4:00pm to assist staff on a variety of University technologies.
Registration is not required – Simply stop by any Friday that the University is open, and an expert will be available for one-on-one assistance.
Cheek 100 Technology Training Center
2:00 – 4:00pm
• Argos
• Argos Information Gathering and Reporting Running
• Web Press
Additional “Ask the Experts” Open Sessions are held in the Meyer Library 205 Technology Training Center for Blackboard and Experts.
See the “Ask the Experts” page on the Computer Services Help Desk website for more information.
WinterFest 2015
December 4, 5:00 – 10:00 pm, December 5, 10:00 am- 10:00 pm , December 6, 12:00pm – 5:00 pm, Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts
It’s one of the area’s most beautiful season traditions – WinterFest at Juanita K. Hammons Hall, with the works of the region’s best visual artists on display and for sale in the beautiful multi-level Hammons Hall lobby. Festival-goers can enjoy live holiday music from local choirs and instrumental groups as they shop.
Visit the WinterFest page at this fall for more information about participating artists and ensembles.
Art History student to presents research of “Cindy Sherman’s Cindy Doll: Stop-Motion Film and Femail Identity
December 4, 6:00 – 7:00 pm, Park Central Branch Library
Missouri State Honors College Art major, Art History minor Jessica Ball will give a presentation on her research entitled “Cindy Sherman’s Cindy Doll: Stop-Motion Film and Female Identity” at the Park Central Branch Library and gallery on the Springfield town square on Friday, December 4th at 6:00 p.m., followed by a question-and-answer session. The talk is free and open to the public.
The First Friday Art Talks are professional public presentations by Art History undergraduate students and alumni from local universities. The program is coordinated by Dr. Billie Follensbee, Department of Art and Design at Missouri State University and the the Park Central Branch Library administration. Ball’s presentation will expand upon a talk that she gave at the 2015 annual intercollegiate Art History Symposium coordinated by Dr. Catherine Jolivette at Missouri State University.
Jessica Ball is an Art Major and Art History minor in the Honors College at Missouri State University. She will present on her advanced Art History research with an illustrated Powerpoint talk entitled “Cindy Sherman’s Cindy Doll: Stop-Motion Film and Female Identity.”
Nnenna Freelon
December 5, 7:00 pm, Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts
In a warm and inviting Christmas concert, this extraordinary jazz vocalist once again turns the expected into something quite different and wonderful, as she and her trio put the swing in the season. Student rush tickets are available one hour prior to the show for $10 with a valid student i.d.
President’s Finals Breakfast
December 7, 9:00 – 11:00 pm, Blair – Shannon Dining Center
WHO: All MSU Springfield Campus Students
WHAT: President Smart hosts a finals breakfast for students
WHERE: Blair – Shannon Dining Center
WHEN: Monday evening, December 7th, 9:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Breakfast is provided at no charge to students, but they must present their MSU BearPass Card to enter the dining center.
Giveaways and drawings for items such as ITunes gift cards, Ipads, and BoomerMeals will be held throughout the course of the evening.
SAC Events
Find out more about SAC films, concerts, and comedy by looking at our SAC Events Blog.
SAC Concerts Presents: Live Lunch Band
December 1 at 12:00 noon, PSU Food Court
This event will feature live music by local talent in our very own music department. It will be a great way to relieve some stress of the upcoming finals.
SAC After Hours Presents: Ugly Sweater Holiday Craft Night
December 3 at 9:00 pm, PSU Food Court
Students are encouraged to wear their festive holiday wear or ugly sweaters and come make crafts to either keep for themselves or give during the holiday seasons.
SAC Films Presents: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
December 2 at 9:00 pm, PSU Theater
SAC will present the classic film National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation in the Plaster Student Union Theater. This event is totally free to students and free popcorn will be served before the movie.
SAC Campus Events: Rock ‘n Bowl
December 4, 7 pm – 11 pm, PSU Level 1 Game Center
Free bowling and games are available every Friday from 7-10 PM courtesy of Student Activities Council.
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For more opportunities, subscribe to the Community Opportunities Newsletter.
Coffee With the VP
10/27, 11/3, 11/12, 11/17, 12/1, 12/10 in Carrington 302
Join Vice President Coopwood for intimate reflection and poignant discussion about campus and social diversity, constructs, issues, policies and activity. This will be a new initiative designed to build and “arm: diversity champions across the campus with some of the latest and most compelling innovation in diversity science, news, research, perspectives and learning tools. Email to reserve your spot!
Bear Service Team
Bear Service Team is a student organization dedicated to planning service opportunities for the MSU community. This is a great way to connect with other students, maintain relationships with community agencies, and have fun service our community!
Click here for more information: #citizenbear #SGFLove #LoveSGF
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Holiday Helpings Food Drive
- Walmart Supercenter on South Campbell 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
- Walmart Supercenter on Independence 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
- Walmart Neighborhood Market on East Sunshine 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
HOPE Connection
HOPE Connection is a one day, one-stop service site for the Ozark’s homeless population to gain access to vital services. Most importantly, the event is outcome oriented, it is not just a day for people to wait in line for information on resources available in the community, but a day for people to make changes, and have immediate access to essential services. Hope Connection expects to serve more than 850 homeless and poverty stricken individuals this year, connecting them with services from 55+ agencies including healthcare, education, employment, haircuts, and more.
Turkey Trot
November 26
Since 2001, Turkey Trot has collected more than 70,000 lbs. of food for Ozarks Food Harvest! Do your part by volunteering or donating food at Turkey Trot, the largest Thanksgiving Day 5K in Missouri, starting at 8 a.m. on Nov. 26.
If you are interested in volunteering at the event, we need individuals to help collect food at the Springfield Expo Center, 635 E. St. Louis St., on Thanksgiving Day. Call Jo at OFH at (410) 865-3411 or go to
Bear Breaks
Student Affairs Advisory Board
Applications Due November 20

SGA Crosslines Food Drive
November 16-20 PSU 123
basics (spices, baking goods, aluminum foil, etc.).
There are donation containers located in the PSU by the SGA Office (PSU 123) on the first floor and on the second floor by the elevators.
For a review of events that have already happened, please visit our Athletics Blog Page
- Friday, November 20 at 7:00, Women’s Volleyball vs. Evansville, Hammons Student Center
- Saturday, November 21 at 7:00, Women’s Volleyball vs. Southern Illinois, Hammons Student Center
- Monday, November 23 at 7:05, Women’s Basketball vs. Oklahoma State, JQH Areana
- Friday, November 27 at 2:05, Men’s Basketball vs. William Woods, JQH Arena
- Tuesday, December 1 at 7:05, Men’s Basketball vs. Utah State, JQH Arena
- Saturday, December 05 at 7:05, Women’s Basketball vs. Eastern Kentucky, JQH Arena
- Thursday, December 21 at 7:05, Men’s Basketball vs. IUPUI, JQH Arena
- Saturday, December 12 at 7:05, Women’s Basketball vs. Oral Roberts, JQH Arena
- Sunday, December 13 at 2:05, Men’s Basketball vs. Tulsa, JQH Arena
Campus Recreation
- Fall Foster Recreation Hours
Foster Recreation Center Hours | Fall Aquatics Hours | Fall Climbing Hours |
Mon-Thurs, 6AM-11PM | Mon-Thurs, 7AM-9AM//11AM-10PM | Mon-Thurs, 4-10PM |
Fri, 6AM-9PM | Fri, 7AM-9AM//11AM-8PM | Friday, 4-8PM |
Sat, 9AM-9PM | Sat, 9AM-8PM | Sat, 1-5PM |
Sun, Noon-11PM | Sun, Noon-10PM | Sun, CLOSED |
Coming Soon In The Rec:
- Now Hiring Bearfit Instructors! Apply online at
- BearFit Highlight! Buy your BearFit Unlimited pass today for only $20!!
- Join Core Fit on Monday’s at 10:30–11 AM to target your abdominal muscles in this 30 minute class focused on strengthening, toning, and stretching the abs, back and core!
- Bearfit Can Goof Drive! From November 16-20th bring in can goods to a Bearfit class to attend for free! Highest number of cans wins a free spring semester Bearfit class pass!
- Come to the Climbing Wall at the FRC to participate in Guys Night and Ladies Night every Tuesday and Thursday! Every Tuesday guys will get free shoe and chalk rental and every Thursday ladies will receive free shoe and chalk rental.
- Climbing Wall and office is now open on Sundays from 5pm-8pm!
- Sign up your team for the Dodgeball Tournament and IFC Roller Hockey League before 9/30. Visit today!
- Lead Climbing Nights beginning every Monday, Wednesday and Sunday. Outdoor Adventures is excited to introduce lead climbing nights to our climbing community! Lead nights are open to everyone who has completed the lead clinic.
- S.H.A.R.P, Sexual Harassment & Rape Prevention is a free course offered to both males and females. This class is meant to prepare you with the mental and physical skills you will need to help protect yourself when put into unexpected situations. Sign up for a session today at *all sessions are from 6:30-9pm
- Lifeguard Instructor Certification registration ends October 30th and costs $250.
November 6th from 5-9PM
November 7th from 9AM-6PM
November 8th from 9AM-2PM
November 9th from 2-5PM
- American Red Cross CPR and First Aid Certification Register online or in person at the FRC. Registration deadline is 2 days before each class. Limited seats are available. CPR/AED and First Aid are held in the Aquatics Classroom. CPR is $55 and First Aid is $40.
Session 1 on September 15th
CPR/AED Session 1: 4-7:30pm
First Aid Session 1: 7:30-9:30pm
Session 2 on October 10th
CPR/AED Session 2: 9am-12:30pm
First Aid Session 2: 7:30-9:30pm
Session 3 on November 18th
CPR/AED Session 3: 4-7:30pm
First Aid Session 3: 7:30-9:30pm
Session 4 on December 15th
CPR/AED Session 4: 9am-12:30pm
First Aid Session4: 7:30-9:30pm
- Does school have you stressed already? Take 30 minutes or 1 hour and stop by the recreation for Massage Therapy and Check out our prices on our website and set up an appointment today.
Experience our Personal Training today and get results you have always wanted! Your first assessment is free
- Don’t forget to join us 8pm-10pm every Wednesday for Moonlight Swim