Growth From Failure
Dr. Carrisa S. Hoelscher
Wednesday, March 8, 8:30-11:30 a.m. PSU 315
As Supervisors, it is in our nature to want to focus on our strengths and successes, forgetting about our mistakes as quickly as possible. But what might happen if we concentrated more often on our failures as an opportunity for growth? Focusing on failure may be particularly important for leaders, both as a means of strengthening our own leadership skills and of providing more effective feedback to our team. In this course, we will examine the power of mindsets, apply three rules for focusing on failure in a constructive manner, develop an understanding of the nature of feedback, and reflect on our own past failures.
Reunite with fellow MSU LEAD Supervisors in exploring the wisdom of learning from failure. Refreshments and networking from 8:00-8:30 a.m.
The MSU LEAD ON workshops support continued professional development in the supervisor training, MSU LEAD OTHERS: The Supervisor Series.
To register:
MyMissouriState >Profile >Professional Development>My Learning Connection.
New Portal: MyMissouriState>Professional Development Card>My Learning Connection.
Then search for MSU LEAD ON, view details, and request to be registered.
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