This week we’re featuring a special Alumni Bear! Jordan graduated from Missouri State in 2013 with a Bachelor’s Degree in History. While she was at Missouri State she honed her leadership skills in our Emerging Leaders and Distinction in Public Affairs programs. Somehow, she also made time on campus to be a Residential Programming Assistant and Peer Leader. Phi Sigma Pi members have known her as an Alumni Advisor but she was also Social Chair and Historian during her undergraduate career.
Jordan just couldn’t get enough of our great university, though. She stuck around to serve as the Assistant Hall Director of Scholars House and the Advisor for Scholars Hall Council. She says being a part of our programs taught her to focus on her strengths instead of her weaknesses as a leader.
“…taught me to focus on what I am good at rather than what I’m not good at, while also teaching me how to use my strengths to benefit others. Furthermore, it taught me how to appreciate other’s strengths and how to use their strengths to help build a successful team.”
Naturally, a campus leader like Jordan has some advice. Especially considering her post-graduate roles as an advisor and mentor to many students!
“I would encourage students to reflect on their experiences in the classroom and in their extra-curricular activities. You are probably getting a lot of experience that can help you in the future; sometimes it just takes a little reflection to realize how those experiences can benefit you and the future you are working towards.”