Our LeaderBear for this week has been a wonderful addition to our Emerging Leaders and Centennial Leaders program!
Zach Stout is a sophomore planning to graduate in Spring 2018! He is pursuing a major in Psychology with a minor in Child and Family Development. Zach is cu
rrently the LEAD chairman for his fraternity and holds an exec position. Before that he was the Public Relations and Brotherhood chairman. He participated as a Greek God in last years Greek Week and sang during his performance! Zach was a part of our Emerging Leaders program last year and then went on to become a Centennial Leaders facilitator.
When asked what has impacted Zach the most about our Leadership programs, his response included…
“What impacted me the most was how differently I view situations. In the Emerging Leaders program, I learned so many interesting things and got to understand just how different yet similar everyone is on campus.”
When asked what advice he would give to younger students, his response included…
“My advice to younger students is to GET INVOLVED! Whether it be through clubs, charity, greek life, etc. Getting involved on campus not only makes your college experience a thousand times better, but it also allows you to network and make new connections to better your future.”
If you are interested in becoming a Centennial Leaders facilitator like Zach, keep an eye out for applications coming out soon!