In most web browsers you can right click on a blank part of the title bar (red in the image below) and select Reopen closed tab to restore the last tab you closed. You can keep reopening closed tabs as far back as you need to. This is helpful if you accidentally closed a tab that you didn’t mean to.
If your laptop is having trouble connecting to Wi-Fi or the wired network when docked, a quick fix is to reset the network settings and then reboot. You’ll have to reauthenticate to Wi-Fi once rebooted. The issue can happen when going between wireless access points and docking/undocking.
The print server has been restored. Please reach out if you have any issues.
The MCHHS print server is down. It has a corrupted disk and we are actively working on restoring it. We’ll update as there is progress
This tip might be obvious to most, but I know we’ve helped some that weren’t aware of it and were retyping entire documents.
There are many ways to copy/paste data in Windows, one of the easiest ways is to use the shortcut keys, CTRL + C to copy, CTRL + X to cut and CTRL + V to paste, also Windows key + V for paste history (in the clipboard)
You can also right click and select Paste options, this allows you to keep source formatting, merge formatting or use destination formatting. It can save lots of time when moving between items with different fonts or formatting styles.