At this midpoint of the fall semester, there is much to celebrate and many reasons to take pride in what’s happening at Missouri State. “As we continue our spotlight on faculty contributions, these achievements further exemplify the impact our faculty make and the opportunities our students receive as they pursue their goals at Missouri State,” says Provost Dr. John Jasinski. “We have so much good news to share. We need to continue honoring the impressive work taking place throughout our colleges — and we will!”
This week, we’re looking at just a few recent accomplishments in the College of Business, the College of Education and the McQueary College of Health and Human Services. (In case you missed it: We highlighted a few recent achievements in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences, the Darr College of Agriculture and the Reynolds College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities in a post last week.)
College of Business (COB)
Dr. Elizabeth Rozell, Associate Dean of the College of Business The bachelor’s program in merchandising and fashion design made Bachelor’s Degree Center’s list of the best fashion bachelor’s degrees. The programs are assessed and ranked by IPEDS and Niche. “This ranking says it all — we’re recognized along with an elite group of fashion and design programs,” says Dr. Elizabeth Rozell, COB associate dean.
- Dr. Richard Gebken, department head of technology and construction management, recently contributed expert insight to the Springfield Business Journal. “Ultimately, the interdependent relationship between industry and academia must continue to evolve as we move toward a workforce for the future,” Gebken wrote.
- Dr. Carol Miller, distinguished professor of finance, economics and risk management, was honored with the 2023 Distinguished Career Achievement Award from the Academy of Legal Studies in Business (ALSB). One senior professor is selected for this award each year. It was presented to Miller at ALSB’s national meeting in San Diego.
- Two School of Accountancy faculty members, Associate Professor Dr. Gregory Tapis and Assistant Professor Dr. Mollie Adams, recently received recognition from the Missouri Society of Certified Public Accountants (MOCPA). Tapis received MOCPA’s Outstanding Educator award. Adams was named one of the organization’s Women to Watch.
College of Education (COE)
Dr. Reesha Adamson, Associate Dean of the College of Education In September, Dr. Reesha Adamson, COE associate dean, received the Missouri Council of Administrators of Special Education’s Recognition Award. This award is presented to individuals who’ve made significant contributions to special education administration and have worked in the field for at least 10 years. ”I am honored to have been thought of and recognized for this award,” Adamson says. “I believe that institutions of higher education and K–12 schools must work and partner together to ensure the best outcomes for students with the highest needs. Through this type of partnership, we can make changes and support an entire school of diverse learners.”
- You might have heard of ungrading — it’s an educational philosophy that emphasizes learning and feedback over scores. Several COE faculty, including Dr. A.M. Baker, Dr. Sarah Jean Baker, Dr. Chloe Bolyard, Dr. Amanda Benedict-Chambers, Dr. Tammi Davis, Dr. Amber Howard, Dr. Elizabeth King and Dr. Jennice Wright, have been working with ungrading. Bolyard recently shared insights on the topic, such as the observation that ungrading allows “students [to] worry less about their grade and pay more attention to learning the material.”
- An interdisciplinary team is working to boost STEM education in southwest Missouri, and their work is supported by a three-year, $600,000 grant from the National Science Foundation. With this grant funding, Principal Investigator Dr. Razib Iqbal, associate professor of computer science, and Dr. Diana Piccolo, professor of education, are able to welcome regional teachers to Missouri State’s Computer Science Research Opportunity for Smart Environments.
McQueary College of Health and Human Services (MCHHS)
Dr. Traci Garrison, Clinical Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy Dr. Traci Garrison, clinical associate professor of occupational therapy, recently published work about medication management. She collaborated with two other researchers to write “Effect of Occupational Therapy in Promoting Medication Adherence in Primary Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial,” which was published in the American Journal of Occupational Therapy. “The occupational therapy intervention used motivational interviewing,” Garrison says. “There was an emphasis on health literacy and collaborative examination of the patient’s habits, roles and routines to develop patient-centered strategies.”
- Dr. Wafaa Kaf, professor of communication sciences and disorders, was selected for the American Academy of Audiology’s Board of Directors. She is serving a three-year term with the prestigious organization.
- MCHHS experts have been applying their knowledge to a wide range of practical issues. For example, Dr. Joshua Smith, interim department head of biomedical sciences, shared insight about why we should keep applying our sunscreen — even as fall temperatures arrive. Dr. Patrick Brooks, assistant professor of biomedical sciences, Dr. Jill Layman, associate professor in the School of Anesthesia, and Jessica Willis, coordinator of the RStats Institute, developed the clinical trial “The physiologic effects of surgical masking in children versus adults.” And Natalie Allen, clinical associate professor of nutrition and dietetics, tackled the question: “How to enjoy nutritious meals without breaking the bank?“
Around Campus…
Last year, friends of Missouri State Libraries demonstrated their abiding support for the libraries’ diverse programs, collections and offerings. For the 2023 fiscal year, which ended June 30, donors contributed nearly $3 million in monetary gifts and gifts in kind — an outstanding affirmation of the libraries’ role in the cultural life of our region.