Bear Service Team will be co-programming with SAC to provide several learning opportunities throughout the week for students.
Faces of Homelessness Panel
Monday, November 18 at 7:30 pm in the PSU Union Club (rm. 400)
Three people who are currently or previously homeless will come and talk about their daily lives and how they got to where they are now. The panel will then be opened to a question/answer section to better understand the lived experiences of those who have faced homelessness.
SNAP Challenge Panel
Tuesday, November 19 at 7:00 pm in the Center for Leadership and Volunteerism (bottom floor of PSU across from Starbucks)
Bear Service Team will be presenting a student panel who participated in the SNAP challenge. This challenge is where students only live on $4 a day for food, which is the average food stamp in Missouri. They will be sharing their experiences with the challenge and then there will be a Q&A section. You can keep up with the participants as they blog throughout the week of November 11-17 at
SAC’s Weekly Movie
9:00 pm in the PSU theater both Sunday, and Wednesday, November 20
A Place at the Table. This is a Documentary directed by Jeff Bridges which highlights the root causes of Hunger in America and different ways to combat this problem.