Public Affairs Week takes place Sept 12-19. Here are some highlights.
Tuesday: Reading of the Constitution Preamble & Bill of Rights
Free country? Free stuff. Stop the PSU North Mall at noon and hear President Clif Smart read the Preamble to the Constitution. Other members of the campus community will read the Bill of Rights. Kick off Public Affairs Week and remember to pick up your free T-shirt and pocket Constitution. This is a great way to learn about our democracy and stay informed this election season.
Tuesday-Thursday (all day): Voter Registration Drive
Don’t think you make a difference? Don’t like either main-party candidate? Don’t know where your polling place is? It’s easy to get discouraged and feel like it doesn’t matter if you participate. But voting can inspire you to study issues in your community. Then you can start looking for solutions. You can register at the PSU South Mall or in the Meyer Library library.
Wednesday: Civic Engagement Conference
This conference will include panel discussions on the theme “Democracy in action: addressing social change through civic engagement: What do we do about poverty in Springfield? How can people at Missouri State help the community here? How do you talk with people and learn to listen to their ideas respectfully? This panel is about deliberative dialogue, a way to discuss ideas in small groups.
Thursday: SAC presents: Student Dialogue Event
Want to talk to your fellow students face to face instead of just trading updates on Facebook? Tired of angry tweets and debates? It’s easier to speak to each other with respect when you can see each other. This presents a chance. Led by students, this event gives everyone a chance to reflect on challenges they face in society and on campus.
Saturday: Into the Streets
Need service hours for your Greek organization? How about extra credit for a class? Want to help out the community on a beautiful fall day? Volunteer for this annual all-day event. You can sign up with a group or by yourself. Serve others and make a difference today!
Monday: “How interfaith dialogue and awareness informs us as citizens and people of faith.”
Wish you could understand the faith of others? Want to be able to talk to people of other religions with respect for their traditions? Ms. Usra Ghazi will discuss her work in interreligious engagement in the U.S. and all over the world. She was born in Pakistan and raised in Illinois. She now works in the State Department.