Plan to visit the new home of the Office of Public Affairs Support! The PAS staff completed their move before the winter break from their long-time home in Meyer Library to the Plaster Student Union, room 131. Yes, they are located just behind the Starbucks! Director, Mary Ann Wood states, "we are thrilled and plan to take advantage of the increased visibility our office has … [Read more...] about New Home for the Office of Public Affairs Support
There is something for everyone at this year's Public Affairs Conference! There are numerous ways to attend and to integrate into the classroom. Use one or more of the 19 virtual offerings and 4 in-person events to highlight this year's public affairs theme and increase student comprehension of pressing issues in today's landscape. Live Zoom sessions follow the general … [Read more...] about Ideas to Integrate Public Affairs into the Classroom!
Four MSU employees are being recognized for their volunteer service, outside their normal work capacity. The Excellence in Community Service Awards are presented annually for up to two faculty and two staff who each receive a plaque and a one-time cash award of $1,500. The 2024 recipients have all exceled at demonstrating how the public affairs mission can be put into … [Read more...] about Excellence in Community Engagement Award recipients announced
There are numerous ways to attend and integrate one or more of the 19 virtual offerings and 3 in-person events of the 2023 Public Affairs Conference into the classroom. Below are just a few ways for fun and effective student comprehension. Live Zoom sessions follow the general schedule of class times. Panel recordings will be available after the conference until October 20th … [Read more...] about Key ideas in how to integrate the Public Affairs Conference for student learning!
Missouri State University's Davis-Harrington Welcome Center will be open as a polling location for Springfield voters on Tuesday, August 8, 2023. For those living within the Springfield city limits, the ballot issue regards if the City of Springfield should impose an additional sales tax of 3% on the retail sale of adult use marijuana, also known as recreational marijuana. … [Read more...] about MSU Welcome Center open for Aug. 8 election