by John Schmalzbauer It is a privilege to hear an author revisit a good book. Such was the case on Thursday February 16, 2012 when historian Julie Byrne described what she might have done differently in O God of Players: The Story of the Immaculata Mighty Macs. Published in 2003, it chronicles the triumph of the first women’s basketball team to win a national collegiate … [Read more...] about The Mighty Macs in Meyer Library
Archives for February 2012
by Steve Berkwitz Prof. Stephen C. Berkwitz recently presented a conference paper entitled "The Portuguese Discovery of Buddhism" at a conference called "Locating Religions: Contact, Diversity and Translocality in Bochum, Germany. This conference was organized for the visiting research fellows in the Käte Hamburger Kolleg at Ruhr-Universität Bochum to present their … [Read more...] about Professor Berkwitz Wows Crowd at Conference
by Jane Terry The Immaculata College Mighty Macs, the first champions in women’s collegiate basketball, play an important role in sports history and are the subject of “The Mighty Macs,” a 2011 feature film. Historian Julie Byrne wrote the definitive history of the team in a book entitled O God of Players, and she will give a free public lecture on Feb. 16 at 7:30 p.m. in … [Read more...] about Historian Julie Byrne and MSU’s Cheryl Burnett to Discuss Sports, Religion and Pop Culture
by Jack Llewellyn On 31 January Amy Collier Artman delivered a lecture with the title "Televising Testimony: Kathryn Kuhlman and Your Faith and Mine" on the Missouri State University campus. Dr. Artman is a Missouri State alumna, having earned a BA here in 1992. From Springfield she went on to a Master of Divinity degree from Texas Christian University, and a PhD (in 2009) … [Read more...] about Watching Scholarship Happen