by Jane Terry The College of Humanities and Public Affairs Scholarship Banquet, held on Tuesday, 14 October, was well-attended and a wonderful way to thank our scholarship donors and congratulate our scholarship winners. Of note, a former student of Dr. Jim Moyer's, former Missouri Governor Bob Holden, and Professor Emeritus Dr. LaMoine … [Read more...] about College of Humanities and Public Affairs Scholarship Banquet
Archives for October 2014
by Jane Terry Religious Studies Assistant Professor Vadim Putzu will visit the MSU Philosophy Club this Thursday, 30 October, at 4:30 p.m. in Strong 003, to talk about "Is There a Jewish Philosophy?" Mr. Putzu's research interests include Judaism, Jewish Philosophy, and Medieval and Early Modern Judaism. He teaches REL 101, World and Literature of the Old Testament/Hebrew … [Read more...] about Is There a Jewish Philosophy?
Stomp Out Hunger Shoe Drive continues this week! Bring your used shoes to Strong Hall 251 to fund food for local and global families! #CitizenBear … [Read more...] about SHOES!
by Jane Terry We have only one more week for the Missouri State University Public Affairs Stomp Out Hunger Shoe Drive on the MSU and area campuses! Are old shoes cluttering your closets? Drop them off in Strong Hall atrium or Strong Hall 251! All shoes accepted, usable or otherwise, bring 'em in to help feed and shoe people locally and around the globe! See MSU's … [Read more...] about Only one more week for Stomp Out Hunger!
by Jane Terry Some great events coming this weekend! Homecoming is Saturday, 18 October, for all current, former, and future MSU students, faculty, and staff! Check out their MSU Homecoming Facebook page for more info. #BearsHomecoming Be sure to join us Saturday night for our 9th Annual Religious Studies Student and Alumni Homecoming Potluck Dinner! During … [Read more...] about Homecoming This Week!