Dr. Vadim Putzu, Associate Professor in Religious Studies, is currently on sabbatical in Italy but recently sent us a link to an article in 417 Magazine, where he was interviewed about cooking with squash blossoms. We knew he is an expert on wine, at least in relation to religions, but apparently he is also knowledgeable about food. In his words, “As you can expect from an Italian, in addition to drinking wine, I also cook and eat!”

And since many of us here in the Ozarks have gardens that are in full production this time of year, the article suggests a new way to use some of that produce: make fried squash blossoms. See the article here: https://www.417homemag.com/entertaining/food/gardening-and-culinary-tips-squash-blossoms/

Inspired, I also include a photo (above), of another recipe from Eating Well magazine: stuffed squash blossoms. Recipe here: https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/265768/fried-squash-blossoms-stuffed-with-tomme-des-pyrenees/
Buon appetito!