It’s finally time for winter break! This is a popular time for traveling for most Missouri State students, friends, and family as well. December in general is one of the busiest months for travel. Whether it’s going to visit family, going on vacation, or just trying to get somewhere warmer; everyone is traveling. This blog is meant to help you reduce your carbon footprint and have fun while on the road. Here are 5 ways to travel more sustainably!
1.) Turn it off
When leaving home, make sure everything is turned off and unplugged. Don’t waste energy while you’re not home! Even leaving things plugged in uses ghost energy.
2.) Give back to your home away from home
While on the road, take a moment to help the community you’re in! Pick up any trash you see or donate to a local cause!
3.) Take showers, not baths
Taking a bath can use up to 70 gallons of water! Showering uses less than half of that.
4.) If you’re flying somewhere, pack light
Not only does packing light save money on baggage fees, but it also increases plane fuel-efficiency!
5.) Think of different forms of transportation
This is a fun tip if time allows. Instead of flying, make it a road trip! Or if you’re feeling up to it, take a train! Not only are you leaving less of a carbon footprint, but you’re also making new memories!
Safe travels, and see you next semester!