The technology and construction management website was redesigned as part of the Academic Website Project, which strives to enhance academic websites for use in recruitment efforts. Key features of the newly designed website include the following: Coordinates with marketing focus of department This department already had an idea of promoting “build” as its tagline, so the […]
The School of Accountancy website redesign was completed as part of the Academic Website Project, which strives to enhance academic websites for use in recruitment efforts.
The fashion and interior design website redesign was completed as part of the Academic Website Project, which strives to enhance academic websites for use in recruitment efforts. Key features of the newly designed website include the following: Clearly breaks down different programs This department houses more than three unique programs with very different career outcomes. […]
The Master of Health Administration website redesign was completed as part of the Academic Website Project, which strives to enhance academic websites for use in recruitment efforts. Key features of the newly designed website include the following: Offers full- and part-time graduation plans Since this program attracts working professionals, the site outlines multiple options for […]
The Master of Business Administration website was recently updated as part of the Academic Website Project, which strives to enhance academic websites for use in recruitment efforts. Key features of the newly designed MBA website include the following: Showcases two program tracks: traditional and accelerated Students can now easily tell that this program has an […]