Missouri State News
Save the Date for National Transfer Student Week!
The National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students (NISTS) organizes an annual National Transfer Student Week. This year, National Transfer Student Week will be October 17-21. Missouri State University is planning several events to celebrate transfer students, as well as transfer advocates. More information to come!
Transfer News
Inside Higher Ed, Transfer Shock: Reality or Myth?
“A venerable concept in transfer student research and practice has been that of ‘transfer shock’… a term used to describe an often temporary decrease in GPA seen in transfer students… But how prevalent is transfer shock, really, and what factors may be associated with it?” Dr. Kerstin Gentsch and their team at the City University of New York followed 5,326 transfer students throughout their college years to determine if a GPA decrease happened, factors that contributed to the decrease, and the relationship between GPA and graduation.
Transfer Resources
How to Create a Transfer-Centered Website
Interested in celebrating National Transfer Student Week, but don’t know where to start? NISTS has created a free marketing kit to go along with this year’s theme: “Plug Into Transfer”.
Access the National Transfer Student Week Marketing Kit
Transfer Advising Committee
The Transfer Advising Committee works in cooperation with Transfer Council and the Provost’s Academic Advising Council to develop best practices for transfer advising, facilitate communication regarding transfer student issues, and offer professional development for transfer advisors. The minutes from the Transfer Advising Committee’s August 2022 meeting can be found below.
Transfer Advising Committee Minutes
Is there something you would like to see in a future addition of the Transfer Advocate? Email your ideas to TransferAdvisor@MissouriState.edu.
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