Associate Professor in Computer Information Systems S. Brahnam coauthored a new article. The article can currently be found online and will be published later this year.
L. Nanni, S. Brahnam, S. Ghidoni, E. Menegatti and T. Barrier. A comparison of methods for extracting information from the co-occurrence matrix for subcellular classification, to appear in Expert Systems With Applications later this year.

L. Summers, S. Evans
Dana Frederick, Management Instructor, served as Director of the Missouri Innovation Academy 2013. Other COB faculty who worked closely with student teams include: Brent Kinghorn, Assistant Professor of Management; Larry Summers, Adjunct faculty member for Management; and Sarah Evans, Instructor of Computer Information Systems.

Shannon McMurtrey, Senior Instructor in the Department of Computer Information Systems will be speaking at an annual state-wide meeting of information technology professionals from rural electrical cooperatives on the topic of cyber security, later this month in Jefferson City.