Last week was pretty relaxed at the PSU as we prepared for Zombie Week this week, but there were still some great events!
Escape from Polygamy: One Woman’s Journey – As part of Women’s history month, keynote speaker Carolyn Jessop presented “Escape from Polygamy: One Woman’s Journey” in the PSU Theater on Tuesday, March 29.
SAC Films presents: True Grit – SAC films presented the Oscar nominated film True Grit in the PSU Theater this week. The film starred Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin, and newcomer Hailee Steinfeld. This week SAC Films presents Shaun of the Dead. Come back Wednesday for a preview of the film.
SAC After Hours presents: Murder Mystery Dinner – SAC After Hours let students role play a “Who Dunnit?” interactive murder mystery in the PSU on Thrusday, March 31.
Ecopalooza – Friday afternoon the Bear Paw was home to Ecopalooza. The event was an education solar-powered concert to raise awareness and support our sustainable future. The event featured bands, activities, and speakers all day!
Jack’s Mannequin – Friday was the big event of the week with Jack’s Mannequin performing for MSU and Drury students at the O’Reilly Family Event Center on Drury University’s Campus.
If you want to see what’s coming up this week check out our preview post and check back Thursday for a preview of next week and Monday for a recap of this week. Until then have a great Zombie week!
(The What You Missed feature runs every Monday. Want your event featured in the next post? Contact Jason Yingling at yingling017 (at) live (dot) missouristate (dot) edu)