Are you ready for the 11th Annual Community Volunteer Fair? On Wednesday, February 1st 50 Springfield area nonprofit agencies will be on campus to discuss current and upcoming volunteer and service-learning opportunities. Learn how you can help to make a difference and win great door prizes.
Celebration of the Chinese New Year continues this week through Friday. If you missed it, the Chinese New Year fell on January 23rd representing the Year of the Dragon. Check out the schedule below for information on the rest of this weeks celebratory events.
Intramural registration for the Racquetball 1 Tournament and the IFC Bowling League is this Friday, 1/27.
Bikini Boot Camp is back! Our trained instructors are here to motivate you through toning and cardio exercises to get that bikini bod ready for break. Sessions begin in February and registration ends soon. More information.
Spring Registration for all intramurals, outdoor trips and free clinics, BearFit classes, wellness programs, and various special programs and certifications is live! Details on these opportunities can be found on our website.
Wednesday, January 25th
From 3 – 4:30 PM celebrate the Chinese New Year with a performance of Chinese music by Dr. John Prescott in Siceluff Hall Library, 124.
Come see 30 Minutes or Less in the PSU Theater as part of SAC’s free film series. The film starts at 9 PM. Catch it again Sunday at 9 as well. Check out our preview.
Thursday, January 26th
Today’s Chinese New Year events are a Chinese Tea Ceremony from 12 – 1 PM and a Chinese Painting by Professor Hing Wah Hatch from 12 – 1 PM. Both events will be in Siceluff Hall Library, 124.

SAC will be hosting Trivia Night as part of its weekly After Hours series from 9 PM – 12 AM in the PSU Food Court. Come by with a team of 5 people. Each student on the first place team wins a $30 giftcard, second place gets $20 giftcards, and third place gets $10 giftcards. Categories will include pop culture, sports, history and taste tests. If you don’t have a team, teams can be formed at the event.
Friday, January 27th
The Chinese New Year celebration wraps up with Chinese Calligraphy by Li Yang in Siceluff Hall Library, 124 from 1 – 2 PM.
Sunday, January 29th
If you missed it Wednesday, catch 30 Minutes or Less on Sunday night at 9 PM.
Monday, January 30th
If you’re interested in studying abroad come by Study Away 101 and chat with graduates that have studied away and get some information on the program. PSU 315A from 3 – 4 PM.
MSU Athletics
- Men’s Basketball @ Illinois State – 6:05 PM
- Women’s Track @ Indiana University Relays – 2:00 PM
- Swimmings & Diving vs. Evansville at Hammons Student Center – 4:00 PM
- Women’s Baketball vs. Indiana State at JQH Arena – 7:05 PM
- Women’s Track at Indiana University Relays – 9:00 AM
- Men’s Basketball vs. Northern Iowa at JQH Arena – 4:00 PM
- Women’s Basketball vs. Illinois State at JQH Arena – 2:05 PM
If you would like your event featured on the eBulletin contact Jason Yingling (yingling017 AT live.missouristate.edu) or Julie Hill (JulieHill AT MissouriState.edu)