We have the following events coming up on and around campus that students should check out
April 11
SAC After Hours Presents: Harry Potter Trivia Night
Time and Location:
Players will be split up into the four houses from the Harry Potter series.
…may the best house win.
There is free butter beer and a costume contest! On Thursday April 11th join SAC from 9pm-midnight for a magical time!
April 13
Men’s Soccer vs. MidAmerica Nazarene
- Date, Time and Location:
4:45 PM – 6:45 PM, April 13, 2013
- Event Details:
- Men’s Soccer hosts
April 14
Missouri State University Concert Chorale
Date, Time and Location:
Event Details:
The Music Department presents a concert by the MSU Concert Chorale at St. Joseph’s Church, 1115 N. Campbell in Springfield.
“The Missouri State Concert Chorale, directed by Dr. Guy B. Webb, has toured extensively throughout the United States, to Puerto Rico, and in eight concert tours to Europe that included London, Southampton, Brussels, Paris, Tours, Cologne, Hannover, Dresden, Leipzig, Berlin, Vienna, Bratislava, Prague, Budapest, Venice, Florence, Rome, and cathedral cities in Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Iceland, Denmark, and Sweden. The select choir of 52 voices has performed in New York’s Lincoln Center and for national and divisional conventions of the American Choral Directors Association and the Music Educators National Conference.”
April 15
Societal Issues and Community Services Fair
Date, Time and Location:
Event Details:
“The fourth biannual Societal Issues and Community Services Fair features research projects of students enrolled in two sections of the general education course Introduction to Society. Students have researched common social problems in the area and interviewed representatives from local agencies who deal with these issues. The fair brings together the Missouri State community and citizens of Springfield, thereby practicing public sociology and promoting the Public Affairs Mission of the university.”
Event Sponsor:Sociology and Anthropology Department
April 16
The Textulator Challenge
Event Details:
“Ad Team partners with AT&T to bring the TEXTulator Challenge to MSU’s campus. This event will be centered around a Mario Kart texting and driving simulator, challenging participants to text while dodging flying shells and slippery bananas.
AT&T will also bring its latest gadgets for product demonstrations,including the most recent phones, tablets, and music accessories. Of course what’s an event without some amazing give-a-ways.
So, do you have what it takes to be a TEXTulator champion?”
Event Website:http://www.facebook.com/MoStateATTEvent
Sponsor:Advertising Team