We have two different types of beds in our residence halls: beds that bunk, and beds that loft.
Bunkable beds can be stacked using metal pegs that you can check out from the front desk. Bunkable beds are found in Blair-Shannon, Freddy, Hammons, Hutchens, Scholars and Wells residence halls. Bunkable beds cannot be lofted. Bed risers can be used on these types of beds, but only if they are unbunked.
Loftable beds can move up and down on the frame, leaving you with more or less space under your bed. At their max height, you can comfortably fit your desk or 3-drawer dresser underneath. Loftable beds are found in Heitz, Kentwood and Woods. Loftable beds cannot be bunked. Bed risers cannot be used on these types of beds.