When Ainura Ashirova arrived at Missouri State to pursue her Master of Fine Arts, she'd already established herself as an effective arts administrator. She'd spent many years working for the British Council in her native Kazakhstan. "I traveled to London often," she said, "and I was a very successful arts manager." Ainura also worked with the United States Embassy and … [Read more...] about Ainura: artist and traveler
Throughout the summer, the Brick City Gallery will feature sabbatical work by art and design professors Vonda Yarberry and Sharon Harper. Each spent several months in artist-in-residency programs developing their exhibits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMHxoeqlqLE#t=11 Yarberry blends old and new technology Yarberry, who also oversees the electronic arts' computer … [Read more...] about Summer exhibit features steampunk, travel art