I felt that it was only right that I reintroduce myself and how I ended up at MSU to all of our readers as it’s been a while since I posted last. My name is Aubrey Hardy and I am a junior here at MSU. I am a special needs education major and I serve as the treasurer for Alpha Sigma Alpha. I also work in the Center for Academic Success and Transition (CAST) Office as a peer mentor. Some values of mine include leading, growing, and mentoring so I also got involved with peer leading in GEP 101 and I’ve found a lot of enjoyment in that service opportunity. I usually have a full schedule with everything I involve myself in but I am so grateful for all that I get to do.
First Impression
I toured three different colleges during my senior year of high school and honestly wasn’t sure where I could see myself. I am from the Joplin area and knew I didn’t want to go too far from home but other than distance I didn’t know what else should go into my decision for picking a university. Missouri State was the first college I visited and while I had a good experience I didn’t have anything to compare it to yet. After my other two college visits, I knew Missouri State was where I was supposed to be. When I walked onto the campus at each college I paid attention to how welcomed I felt and the energy of the student body. Maybe it was the time of day or year that I visited each of the colleges, but Missouri State had the most lively and happy-looking student body. The way I describe it is that something was different about Missouri State and I already felt a part of something just being guided on the campus.
Present Day
As I mentioned in my introduction, I am a junior here at Missouri State. I can confidently say that Missouri State University was the right choice for me. I am only an hour away from home, making home visits easy and enjoyable. I get to interact, work alongside, and meet the student body each day on campus when headed to work or class or for a social event and everyone is even more welcoming and lively than they were on the day I toured. I also stated earlier my top three values, all of which I’ve gotten to explore since coming to Missouri State. I’ve led in the classroom, off-campus organizations, on-campus clubs, and my sorority. I have grown in so many ways; I am proud to say that I am not the same person I was three years ago. And I’ve gotten several opportunities to be a mentor including in the Center for Academic Success and Transition office. I’m sure I would have found a way to implement these values regardless of the university I chose but I am thankful Missouri State is where I get to call home.
Whether you are reading this as an incoming student interested in Missouri State, or a graduating senior I hope you were able to relate to my experience in some way. Picking a college can be hard but it always works out the way it is supposed to. After picking a college many more decisions follow but don’t allow yourself to do it alone. Utilize your resources like a success coach to help narrow down choices or find what is best for you. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
(Bio: My name is Aubrey Hardy, a junior studying special needs education. Fun fact: I grew up on a farm.)
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