A discovery among a College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CNAS) trio recently transformed into an official U.S. patent. Dr. Razib Iqbal, associate professor of computer science, Dr. Keiichi Yoshimatsu, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry and Joshua Ellis, CNAS alumnus, piloted this effort. “This successful patent application demonstrates the … [Read more...] about Catalyzing breakthroughs in research
Earlier this year, Missouri State University received a three-year, $600,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) with the goal of boosting research experiences for middle and high school educators in southwest Missouri. This opportunity created the Computer Science Research Opportunity for Smart Environments (ROSE) program. Dr. Razib Iqbal, associate … [Read more...] about First ROSE cohort finishes summer strong
Since 2020, the Computer Science Opportunities, Development and Education in Rural Schools (CODERS) Project has brought STEM education to southwest Missouri schools. The third cohort of the project for the 2023-24 school year has begun, with a successful summer launch from June 5-8. Connecting STEM and Writing The CODERS Project works with rural school districts, … [Read more...] about CODERS project prepares for a new academic year
It is an exciting time for graduate education at Missouri State University, and our thesis advisors play an integral part. Dr. Razib Iqbal, associate professor and graduate assistantship director for the computer science department, has been selected as the 2023 Outstanding Thesis Advisor. He was selected based on the outstanding quality and quantity of strong theses … [Read more...] about Congratulations, Dr. Razib Iqbal!
Congratulations to all the winners of the College of Natural and Applied Sciences’ 2021 Faculty and Staff Awards. The annual awards ceremony honoring awardees with excellence in research, teaching or service took place May 5. These winners received nominations from departmental personnel committees, department heads or students. The event represented the 10th year in a … [Read more...] about Congratulations to the 2021 CNAS Faculty and Staff Award winners