A discovery among a College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CNAS) trio recently transformed into an official U.S. patent. Dr. Razib Iqbal, associate professor of computer science, Dr. Keiichi Yoshimatsu, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry and Joshua Ellis, CNAS alumnus, piloted this effort. “This successful patent application demonstrates the … [Read more...] about Catalyzing breakthroughs in research
The College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CNAS) hosted the 2021 CNAS Undergraduate Research Symposium April 29-May 3. We appreciate the efforts of all who took part in the event and would like to offer special recognition to all who won awards at the symposium. About the award winners Award winners at the symposium include: Biology: Ecology, Wildlife and … [Read more...] about Congratulations to the 2021 CNAS Undergraduate Research Symposium award winners
The College of Natural and Applied Sciences hosted the 2021 CNAS 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition Jan. 25. We appreciate all who took part in the event and would like to offer special recognition to the competition’s top-ranking participants. These winners will advance to the university-wide 3MT competition Feb. 5. About the winners Winners at the competition … [Read more...] about Congratulations to the 2021 CNAS 3 Minute Thesis Competition winners
The College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CNAS) hosted the 2020 CNAS Undergraduate Research Symposium Nov. 12-16. We are grateful to all who took part in the event and would like to offer special recognition to all who won awards at the symposium. About the award winners Award winners at the symposium include: Biology: … [Read more...] about Congratulations to the 2020 CNAS Undergraduate Research Symposium award winners
Dr. Keiichi Yoshimatsu, assistant professor of chemistry, attended the workshop on Physical Science Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (Physical Science CURE institute) this year in Tucson, Arizona. The Physical Science CURE institute was facilitated by researchers who are leading the CURE Network 2 (CUREnet2) project. The project is supported by National Science … [Read more...] about Adding research into undergraduate lab courses