Each spring the College of Business (COB) leadership team including the Dean, Associate Deans, Department Heads and faculty select recipients for the top honors in the College. Students are selected for awards from a variety of criteria including academic achievement, dedication to the public affairs mission, dedication inside and outside of the classroom, and some awards require a personal essay. Recipients may be members of the summer or fall 2021 graduating classes, or our most recent group of May 2022 graduates.
Congratulations to each of these #BearGrads!
College of Business Awards
- The Virgil Cheek Memorial Award is given to an outstanding graduating senior majoring in business in recognition of exceptional academic achievement and leadership. This is the top award in the College of Business.
- Lucas Merz
- Lucas Merz
- The Joseph Daniel Delp Award is given to a graduating senior who has shown outstanding achievement, performance, leadership, and perseverance.
- Colin Loyet
- Colin Loyet
College of Business Graduate Program Awards
- Outstanding Master of Business Administration Award: Nick Rych
- Outstanding Master of Health Administration Award: Brock Hughes
- Outstanding Master of Accountancy Award: Reid Alexander
- Outstanding Master of Science in Information Technology Award: Stacy Offer
- Outstanding Master of Cybersecurity Award: Luke Rye
- David D. Glass Outstanding Graduate Student in the College of Business: Hannah Childs
School of Accountancy Awards
- School of Accountancy Outstanding Graduating Senior: David Grant
- School of Accountancy Faculty Award for Excellence: Nicole Plenge
- Federation of Schools of Accountancy Outstanding Graduate Student: Susan Toll
- PCAOB Scholar: Collin Tenhouse
- Beta Alpha Psi Leadership Award: Jamey Arter
- Accounting Club Outstanding Leader: Anthony Aiello
- Outstanding SOA Graduate Assistant: Sydney Hill
Finance and General Business Awards
- Outstanding Graduating Senior in Risk Management and Insurance: Joshua Rose
- Outstanding Graduating Senior in General Business: Suzy Minihan
- Outstanding Graduating Senior in Finance – Corporate & Investments: Erin Leahy
- Outstanding Graduating Senior in Finance – Financial Planning: Yasmine Thomas
- Outstanding Graduating Senior in General Business from the MSU China Campus: Du “Meredith” Lin
Information Technology and Cybersecurity Awards
- Outstanding ITC Student: Sydney Manning
- Outstanding A-BITS Student: Krista Alexander
Management Awards
- Department of Management Outstanding Graduating Senior: Elliott Klein
- Outstanding Student in Management – Administrative Track: Abigail Cavaiani
- Outstanding Student in Management – Human Resources Management Track: Andrew Wilson
- Outstanding Student in Management – International Business Track: Luke Herman
- Outstanding Student in Entertainment Management: Devin Jones
- Entertainment Management Association Member of the Year: Abigail Young
- Entertainment Management Association Leader of the Year: Emily Eigenmann
Marketing Awards
- Outstanding Marketing Student – Highest Overall GPA: Libby Jones
- Outstanding Student in Marketing Exemplifying the Public Affairs Mission: Salvador Haro
- Marketing Club Outstanding Member: Terrell Dawson
- Advertising Club Outstanding Member: McKenna Ficek
- Outstanding Marketing Student in the Advertising & Promotion Option: Annie Raymer
- Outstanding Marketing Student in the Marketing Research Option: Libby Jones
- Outstanding Marketing Student in the Sales & Sales Management Option: Sam Pannett
- Outstanding Marketing Student in the Marketing Management Option: Claire Sedlack
- Outstanding Marketing Student in Supply Chain, Logistics and Operations Management Option: Annelise Gassner
Merchandising and Fashion Design Awards
- Outstanding Senior in Fashion Design Award: Carlea Badolian
- Outstanding Senior Merchandiser Award: Mackenzie Rash
- MFD Service Award: Emma Towers
Technology and Construction Management Award
- Armin F. and Vivian M. Gimbel Achievement Award: Mason Boehlein & Sabrina Pavlova