Alpha Chi Omega Global Service Initiative Participants 2018
Over the Summer, two members from Alpha Chi Omega, Sydney Kohm and Kyra Treible, were chosen to participate in an extraordinary experience called the Global Service Initiative. This amazing opportunity provides direct service into a Jamaican community all while using the values and principles of Alpha Chi Omega, making it a truly unique experience.
Kyra details her experience saying, “the Alpha Chi Omega Global Service Initiative is a program that allows 36 collegiate members, chosen from Alpha Chi Omega chapters across the nation, to travel to Jamaica in order to serve the local communities. This year we worked hard to build an addition to a local elementary school in Negril, giving the students a clean space to eat lunch and the school the ability to welcome more students through its doors. We also built fencing around a new sports field for a middle school in Treasure Beach, which allowed the students to have a safe place to play during school breaks or practice with their sports teams!”
Aside from learning valuable skills and meeting sisters across the nation, Kyra explains that she also felt immense amount of personal growth from this opportunity saying, “I learned how to truly serve those who live differently than I do. Just throughout the one week I spent learning their culture, I struggled through the lack of power tools, the difficulty of finding clean drinking water, and the limited access to electricity. However, the people of Jamaica live some of the fullest, and happiest lives I have been able to witness. Even though they don’t have things that would seem a given or a no-brainer for us living in the U.S., they are grateful for the things they do have and the people they get to share it with.”
We are so proud of these two real strong women and their devotion to their chapters, our community, and serving others. They truly exemplify being #LeadersInLetters!