August is Sun Safety month.
Examine your skin. Early diagnosis assists with better treatment outcomes. If you locate a potential area of concern, make an appointment with a provider. The university officers on-site primary health care with Magers Health and Wellness. Employee’s participating in the medical plan, may find additional participating providers with Mercy.
The voluntary Allstate critical illness plan offers benefits for invasive cancer and partial benefits for Carcinoma in Situ diagnosis (along with other covered diagnosis). The plan has 2 benefit level options, see the plan brochure. Employees and covered dependents, already enrolled in the critical illness coverage are eligible to receive a $100 wellness reimbursement for covered wellness /preventative care related activities, including biopsy screening for skin cancer.
As the summer weather pushes down on us, remember to follow these tips to help you remain safe.
- Use Sunscreen- apply and reapply; utilize a sunscreen that is SPF 30 or higher.
- Stay in the shade- reducing time in direct sunlight.
- Cover up- covering your body with clothing helps reduce exposure.
- Wear a hat- wearing a hat can help protect your eyes, face, scalp, and ears.
- Wear Sunglasses- glasses that block both UVA & UVB work best.
Enrollment/Changes can be made to the Health and Allstate critical illness plans, yearly during open enrollment (November 1- December 1), or within 30 days of a qualifying event.
Contact with questions.