The Missouri National Guard’s 7th Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Civil Support Team (CST) will be conducting joint exercises with the Oklahoma National Guard’s 63rd CST. They will take place at Plaster Stadium and Allison Field North occur on Tuesday, September 10th and Thursday, September 12th. Missouri State University provides an outstanding opportunity for the protectors of our nation to prepare for their homeland security mission. Missouri State is fortunate to have facilities that provide an opportunity for this level of exercise.
Therefore, on September 10th and 12th, you will see multiple military vehicles participating in the drills on campus. Additionally, you may see personnel wearing hazardous materials suits around Plaster Stadium and Allison Field North. Do not be alarmed. These personnel are testing their capabilities should a major emergency occur in our nation.
The Office of University Safety works closely with local, state and national agencies to prepare emergency response capabilities. Similarly, we work to prepare the campus for all types of emergencies just like our emergency responders.