#GoMaroon on #GivingTuesday
On Tuesday, December 1, 2015, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate and encourage giving. The Missouri State University Foundation is encouraging all alumni, friends, faculty, staff, parents and students to participate in this special day. Join us in participating by sharing this on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media and making a gift to the fund of your choice at Missouri State.
Key details
What: Giving Tuesday 2015
When: Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Where: Missouri State University
Who: MSU students, faculty, staff, alumni, donors and community members are encouraged to participate
How: Participate by volunteering or making a gift and share on social media
- Post your photos and #UNselfies on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
- Share your story using the hashtags #GoMaroon on #GivingTuesday.
- Give any amount you choose to ensure current and future Bears can attend Missouri State. Visit www.missouristatefoundation.org/GivingTuesday to learn more.
Share why you love MSU and how you or a fellow Bear live the public affairs mission
- Join in the social conversation about Giving Tuesday 2015 by tagging your posts with #GoMaroon on #GivingTuesday
- We encourage people to tag their organizations where they volunteer. We also encourage them to include a photo or video, especially in BearWear.
- #GivingTuesday is a great way to live Missouri State’s Public Affairs mission by being a part of a larger worldwide giving movement.
Make your post social media savvy
Below you’ll find suggested social media language and graphics to help us spread the word about #GoMaroon on #GivingTuesday.
- Follow and share your story using the hashtags #GoMaroon and #GivingTuesday.
- Whenever possible tag Missouri State University or @missouristate
- When applicable, tag Missouri State University Foundation or @FoundationMSU
- If applicable, tag the post with the Springfield, Missouri, hashtag:#SGF
- Be a part of a global movement, tag Giving Tuesday or @GivingTues
- If you would like to provide a link for more information use www.missouristatefoundation.org/MSUGivingTuesday.htm
Visual assets
Facebook images
Cover photos
Brand your Facebook profile or page with a custom #GoMaroon #GivingTuesday graphic. Click the image you like below to save the full-size image.
Shared images
Twitter images
Header image
Brand your Twitter profile with a custom #GoMaroon #GivingTuesday image. Click the image you like below to save the full-size version.
Instream photos
Click the image you like below to save the full-size version.
Sample social media posts
Sample tweets
- Are you part of #GivingTuesday? It’s global day of giving for everyone! @GivingTues @FoundationMSU #GoMaroon http://bit.ly/MSGivTues151
- #GivingTuesday is a day for everyone, everywhere, to GIVE! @GivingTues @MissouriState #GoMaroon http://bit.ly/MSGivTues151
- How are you giving back to @MissouriState? #GoMaroon on #GivingTuesday http://bit.ly/MSGivTues151
- #GoMaroon on #GivingTuesday Dec 1 – Learn more at http://bit.ly/MSGivTues151
- Dec. 1: Join other #CitizenBear and #GoMaroon on #GivingTuesday! http://bit.ly/MSGivTues151
Sample Facebook posts
- #GivingTuesday is an international day of giving. Missouri State Bears, anywhere, can participate! http://bit.ly/MSGivTues152
- Make a gift then share the news on Twitter and Facebook with the hashtags #GoMaroon on #GivingTuesday to show your support for Missouri State! http://bit.ly/MSGivTues152
- Save the date: #GivingTuesday 2015 is Dec 1. You can be part of the celebration by giving back to Missouri State and your community. Visit http://bit.ly/MSGivTues152 to find out more!
- #GivingTuesday is a day for everyone, everywhere, to GIVE! Find out how you can participate! http://bit.ly/MSGivTues152
- Tell us how YOU are participating in #GoMaroon on #GivingTuesday. Take a video of your #GivingTuesday activities or take a #UNSelfie, and share what you’re doing on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram! #CitizenBear http://bit.ly/MSGivTues152
- Share what you’re doing to give back by taking a #UNselfie and share on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram! #GoMaroon #GivingTuesday http://bit.ly/MSGivTues152
The #UNselfie, or the selfless selfie, is a powerful way to show how you are giving and why giving is important to you.
How do I #UNselfie?
- Take a “selfie” with a caption (or have it on a card in the picture) explaining how or why you and/or your friends are “giving” this year.
- Use the hashtags #UNselfie and #GoMaroon on #GivingTuesday
- Post it to Instagram, Facebook and/or Twitter and share with friends!
#UNselfie Sign
Download PDF to print and write on to hold.
Sample text to use on the sign
- “I give to ___________________ because _____________________”
- “On #GoMaroon #GivingTuesday I gave back by________________________”
- “Join me in supporting _________________ on #GivingTuesday”
- “Thank you __________________ for giving to Missouri State.”
Remember to use hashtags #GoMaroon, #GivingTuesday and #UNSelfie to share!
Sample Instagram caption
- I’ve joined the global giving movement #GivingTuesday! Join me by uploading #UNselfies and using the hashtags #GoMaroon on #GivingTuesday! For more info go to: http://www.missouristatefoundation.org/MSUGivingTuesday.htm #CitizenBear