Gain inspiration from these publications that embrace the visual identity and brand messaging. For additional information or for assistance in developing brand materials, contact the publications office.
Recruiting graduate students
Graduate students are focused. Focused on programs, mentors, outcomes and cost. These factors are at the forefront of recruitment materials that prospective students receive when they begin researching Missouri State’s graduate offerings. This publication is hand-distributed, with opportunity for students to visit with MSU professionals. The call to action is to apply to the Graduate College.
An invitation to the Honors College
High ability students who are accepted to Missouri State receive an invitation to the Honors College. The invitation outlines the benefits students receive in the Honors College, such as smaller class sizes, engaging course work and special library privileges. The call to action is to complete the Honors College response form and apply for Missouri State’s most prestigious scholarships.
Inspiring future teachers
One in eight teachers in Missouri are a graduate of Missouri State. This is one of many informational graphics used by the College of Education to convey beneficial information to prospective future teachers. This brochure outlines the offerings of the college, while promoting the teaching profession. Students are invited through the publication to tour, request additional information and apply.
Leading in hospitality
Job placement rates, starting salaries and elite accreditation are forefront in the information prospective students learn about the hospitality leadership department. Students are invited through the publication to tour, request additional information and apply.