There are quite a few events taking place on campus this week, here are just a few that we are highlighting:
Thursday October 11, 2012
Study Skills Lecture Series: Preparing for Tests and Test Taking
6:00 – 6:50 PM in Siceluff Hall Room 222
The purpose of the Preparing for Tests and Test Taking presentation is to assist students in developing an effective system to study for their classes. Many students state that they study, but few have developed a comprehensive plan.
ODYSSEY the Play from 7:30-10:00 PM in Craig Hall Coger Theatre
“This dramatic adaptation of Homer’s myth begins with a modern young woman who is struggling to understand Robert Fitzgerald’s translation of The Odyssey. A classical muse appears, and the young woman becomes the goddess Athena–a tireless advocate for Odysseus in his struggle to get home. With her trademark irreverent and witty twist on classic works, Zimmerman brings to life the story of Odysseus’s ten-year journey, depicting his encounters with characters such as Circe, the Cyclops, Poseidon, Calypso, the Sirens, and others.
Written by Homer as translated by Robert Fitzgerald.”
SAC After Hours Presents: Karaoke Night
At the Plaster Student Union Food Court from 9:00 PM – 11:59 PM
Friday October 12, 2012
The Leadership and Volunteerism Center is doing a service project on October 12 with Community Partnerships, contact for more information.
Sunday October 14, 2012
SAC Films Presents: Magic Mike
At 9:00 -11:59 PM in the PSU Theater
Here is a cute puppy that’s getting into the Fall Festivities of Halloween!