In October 2016, three students from the Department of Hospitality Leadership (DHL) represented Missouri State University in the second market study competition at New York City. This year, the 2nd Smith Travel Research (STR) Student Market Study Competition will be held on November 13th in New York City. With the guidance of Dr. Albert Barreda, MSU team successfully submitted a comprehensive presentation on St. Louis Market, Missouri. MSU team that worked intensively for five weeks on the market study includes DHL students, Rebecca Rice, Jialiang Li, and Brice Bube. In their detailed analysis, the team analyzed data provided by STR to identify how St. Louis’s hotel industry is competing with comparable markets in the United States. By analyzing reports including current statistics, trended data, economic cycles, market breakdowns, pipeline, and profitability data, as well as providing a forecast for the future of St. Louis, our team completed a presentation that was submitted to the competition.