Beginning Oct. 1, annual and probationary ADPs must be completed online starting with our 2017 annual ADP cycle for all planning and appraisal documents. Supervisors should have received email notifications from notifying them of any ADP documents awaiting their action for the 2017 Annual process. The ADP documents are located under the Workflow tab in the My Missouri State portal.
Supervisors are able to access their 2017 Planning documents in their Worklist located under the Workflow tab. The form can be completed by copying and pasting the Objectives/Job Duties entries into the online form from their current Word or Excel Planning document they have for their assigned employees. Additionally, the Diversity Goal has been moved to Section 2 – Organizational Values, Behaviors, and Competencies of the document for 2017.
Even though supervisors may not be completing your 2017 Appraisal documents until later in the annual cycle, it is important to initiate and complete the 2017 Planning documents so you have the Appraisal document available to you for completion by January 31st. The 2018 Planning documents will be distributed once your completed 2017 Appraisal documents have been submitted through the workflow process. All three (3) and six (6) month ADPs that have due dates of Oct 1st and forward will also be completed through this new online process.
Human Resources is offering sessions for supervisors and employees to learn more about the new process. Registration is through My Learning Connection, search under ADP. Additional information and help guides are also located at this site and please contact for questions or assistance.
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