A blog was published previously that announced the 2023 IRS rates. MSU's Flex spending plan is governed by the State of Missouri's Office of Administration. Based on the timing of IRS release of 2023 limit the State follows the prior year maximum and therefore the medical FSA maximum is limited to $2850. We apologize for any confusion What are the 2023 FSA account limits? The … [Read more...] about Corrected Notice about Flex Spending Account Rates
A Medical Flexible Spending Account (FSA) can be used to pay for copayments, deductibles, some drugs, and some other health care costs, while a dependent care FSA can be utilized on qualified dependent or elder care expenses. Using an FSA can reduce your taxes. What is a Medical FSA? A Flexible Spending Account (also known as a flexible spending arrangement) is a special … [Read more...] about Flex Spending Account
Fall is a busy time. Do you have these important dates saved? Flu/Covid booster vaccinations: In order to reduce the impact of COVID and influenza on our workforce, full-time employees enrolled on the Health Plan will qualify for the full 2023 wellness incentive by completing the COVID bi-valent booster (or original series if not previously completed, or previous booster) … [Read more...] about Don’t miss your opportunity to participate.