Senior finance major, Joey Guy, balances being an involved student and an active member of ROTC. “The key to balancing my ROTC requirements and classes is having a positive mindset and good time management…I keep a detailed planner to stay on top of things and I always write things down,” states Guy.
Guy wasn’t always interested in the military, but when his twin brother graduated from basic training Guy decided to explore the option too. “I did not like using all my saved money to pay for school and the military looked like a cool opportunity,” says Guy. He officially joined the Military Science program in his second semester, as a compliment to his business courses.
“Business and ROTC are mutually beneficial. ROTC is all about leadership and developing people…There are a lot of unique training opportunities in the military that you cannot get in the civilian world. The leadership and personal development I have received has given me many connections and experiences,” states Guy.
One of Guys’ favorite things about being a COB student is, “how rigorous some of the College of Business courses are. Susan Crain, her FIN 390 (Intermediate Financial Management) course was the hardest class I’ve taken here at Missouri State. I like how she went above and beyond.”
Outside of ROTC Guy is also involved with Alpha Kappa Psi, a national co-ed business fraternity, and participated in a study away experience. “Studying Away has definitely been the most memorable experience for me. I went to Austria, where there were 60 students in my exchange program, and only 5 Americans. I met students from literally all over the world. I was living in Austria for 4 months while taking business classes and learning German.”

Guy offers the following advice to pre-business majors or others considering ROTC, “Get your prerequisites done as soon as possible so you can get accepted into COB and start working on your business courses. I would encourage other students to join ROTC only if it is something they passionately want to do… MSU has a great program that offers a great opportunity to succeed.”
After graduation this spring Guy plans to attend the U.S. Army’s flight school in Fort Rucker, AL and hopes to be assigned to flying full-time.
To learn more about ROTC at Missouri State please visit their website by clicking here. You can also learn more about the Finance Department here.