Congratulations are in order for the students listed below. Each spring the College of Business (COB) leadership team including the Dean, Associate Deans, Department Heads and faculty select recipients for the top honors in the college. Students are selected for awards from a variety of criteria including academic achievement, dedication to the public affairs mission, dedication inside and outside of the classroom, and some awards require a personal essay. Students have graduated in summer or fall 2016 or will graduate in May 2017.
The Spring Awards Dinner to recognize this group of high achieving students, was held April 27, at the John A and Genny Morris Conservation Center. Members of the COB Executive Advisory Council were in town for their bi-annual meeting and participated in the awards dinner. Congratulations to each of the students!
School of Accountancy Awards
- School of Accountancy Outstanding Graduating Senior: Alex Jefferson
- School of Accountancy Faculty Award for Excellence: Brandon Weissman
- Federation of Schools of Accountancy Outstanding Graduate Student: Tanner Courtney
Computer Information Systems Awards
- Outstanding CIS Student: Suliman Alhomidan
- Outstanding AITP Student: Jared Danielson
Finance and General Business Awards
- Outstanding Graduating Senior in Risk Management and Insurance: Annabelle Kacmar and Alexis Skiniotes
- Outstanding Graduating Senior in General Business: Millie Kinsbury
- Outstanding Graduating Senior in Finance: Jacob Masterson
- Outstanding Graduating Senior in General Business from the MSU China Campus: Mengyuan Li
Management Awards
- Outstanding Student in Master of Health Administration: Isaac McKinght
- Outstanding Student in Management: Nicholas Rodenberg
- Outstanding Student in Human Resources Management: Kourtney Mudd
- Outstanding Student in Entertainment Management: Madison Fritts
Marketing Awards
- Outstanding Marketing Student – Highest Overall GPA: Shawna Elsey
- Outstanding Student in Marketing Exemplifying the Public Affairs Mission: Mary Katherine Hilmes
- Marketing Club Outstanding Member: Hannah Moore
- Advertising Club Outstanding Member: Hannah Moore
- Outstanding Marketing Student in the Advertising & Promotion Option: Alexa Eghbali
- Outstanding Marketing Student in the Marketing Research Option: Victoria Bottorff
- Outstanding Marketing Student in the Sales & Sales Management Option: Kaylee Chappelow
- Outstanding Marketing Student in the Marketing Management Option: Matthew Haley
- Outstanding Marketing Student in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Linda Coroleuski
Technology and Construction Management Award
- Armin F. and Vivian M. Gimbel Achievement Award: Cody Stout
College of Business Awards
- Outstanding Master of Business Administration Award: Arthur Guslim
- David D. Glass Outstanding Graduate Student in the College of Business: Kelsea Fink
- The Joseph Daniel Delp Award is given to a graduating senior who has shown outstanding achievement, performance, leadership, and perseverance.
- 2016-2017 Finalists
- Alexa Eghbali
- Madison Fritts
- Joshua Lake
- Nicole Johnson (recipient)
Alexa Eghbali, Joshua Lake, Nichole Johnson, Madison Fritts
- 2016-2017 Finalists
- The Virgil Cheek Memorial Award is given to an outstanding graduating senior majoring in business in recognition of exceptional academic achievement and leadership. This is the top award in the College of Business.
- 2016-2017 Finalists
- Shawna Elsey
- Alex Jefferson
- Kourtney Mudd (recipient)
- Matthew Teeter
Matthew Teeter, Shawna Elsey, Kourtney Mudd. Not pictured: Alex Jefferson
- 2016-2017 Finalists
Dean’s Distinguished Scholars
There are two ways a student can become a Dean’s Distinguished Scholar: recipients may be graduating with Summa Cum Laude honors, or have been nominated by their academic department to become a finalist for the Joseph Daniel Delp or Virgil Cheek Memorial Awards.
- Ronald Antonini
- Laura Benedett
- Linda Coroleuski
- Alexa Eghbali
- Shawna Elsey
- Madison Fritts
- Kathleen Haarmann
- Matthew Haley
2016-2017 Dean’s Distinguished Scholars - Dion Hallmark
- Benjamin Hogan
- Alex Jefferson
- Nicole Johnson
- Shane Jones
- Kimberly Kayser
- Paul Ketel
- Bradley Kummer
- Joshua Lake
- Chelsea Laufenberg
- Hannah Longust
- Lei Lyu
- Jacob Masterson
- Adam Meisch
- Kourtney Mudd
- Taylor Plaster
- Tyler Reineri
- Matthew Sturm
- Matthew Teeter
- Rachel Thompson
- Julie Tulla
- Courtney Ukena
- Katelyn Walter
- Brandon Weissman
- Wenxi Yang