Sarcoma Awareness Month, observed annually in July, is a vital campaign aimed at raising awareness about this rare form of cancer that develops in connective tissues. Throughout the month, efforts are made to educate the public about the signs, symptoms, and risk factors associated with sarcomas, such as:
- Persistent swelling or lump, especially in the arms, legs, or torso
- Pain, tenderness, or discomfort in the affected area
- Difficulty in movement or performing daily activities due to a mass or growth.
- Unexplained weight loss or fatigue
- Presence of a mass that grows rapidly or changes in size or appearance over time.
Advocacy groups like the Sarcoma Foundation of America and healthcare organizations such as the American Cancer Society provide support, resources, and funding for research initiatives and patient care.
MSU Benefits:
MSU provides comprehensive Medical insurance coverage that includes cancer-related benefits for employees and covered dependents. The insurance plan encompasses various aspects of cancer care, including diagnosis, treatment, and support services. Additionally, the insurance plan offers 100% in-network benefits for preventive screenings, aimed at early detection of cancer.
MSU’s supplemental Critical Illness policy helps to relieve some of the financial burden if you or a covered dependent is diagnosed with a specified illness, such as Cancer, by providing a lump sum benefit payment directly to you upon diagnosis. Employees and covered dependents currently enrolled in the policy are eligible to receive a $100 wellness reimbursement for covered wellness/preventative care related activities, including many cancer screenings.
Medical and critical illness plan enrollments/changes may only be made within 31 days of a qualifying life event or during open enrollment (Nov 1- Dec 1).
Employees who themselves have received a cancer diagnosis or are taking care of a family member with a cancer diagnosis should contact the HR-Benefits office to inquire about FMLA entitlements. The benefits office will also assist in directing you with other leave benefits that may be available. Employees who want to support co-workers may consider donating to the MSU’s Shared Leave pool.
- You may voluntarily donate accumulated vacation time as defined in the Leave Benefits section of the Employee Handbook to the Shared Leave Pool which will aid eligible employees who are unable to work because of a qualifying event. Donations are subject to policy maximum. To donate:
MyMissouristate Portal> Time & Leave Resources card> Shared leave Pool (Requests & Donations).
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