Strong headlines are vital. They’re the billboards for your content. Consider the classic 80-20 rule. For every 10 people who find your headline, eight will read the headline but only two will read the content. Strong headlines entice your audience to keep reading. You write headlines for many things: websites, articles and blogs, emails, social […]
How do you give your writing power and meaning? With readability. Your writing carries more impact if more people can understand it. Using Microsoft Word’s spelling and grammar checker isn’t enough. These online tools can improve the readability of your writing. Hemingway App This app was a hit at our recent digital training session. Count […]
A free, interactive writing workshop on Oct. 26 will provide tips for making online communications more effective and efficient.
In May 2015, Lucie Amberg, Nicki Donnelson and Courtney Wendel-Stevenson traveled to the Confab Central conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The conference focused on content strategy, writing for the web, web design and technology. Keynote speakers included Jonathon Colman from Facebook, bestselling author Anne Lamott and Gerry McGovern from Customer Carewords. You may view presentation slides […]
A free, interactive writing workshop on Oct. 28 will provide tips for making online communications more effective and efficient.