Every spring following graduation, the dietetics program takes a short-term study away program traveling to a country where the Mediterranean Diet is the norm. Titled “In Search of the Seven Species”, we search for the seven oldest foods in the world throughout Greece on the menus, in the markets, fields, art, architecture, culture, museums, etc. These foods are: wheat, barley, grapes (wine), fig, pomegranates, olives (oil), and dates (honey). Eating our way through Greece, we see how these foods fit into the Mediterranean diet and observe the uses of these foods in the culture – past and present.
This year our guide Maria took us to a small traditional shop in the Plakka District in Athens where we had what the students said was their favorite experience of the entire trip – and that is saying a lot! We visited Fotini of Fotini’s Deli where she gave a wonderful presentation of various olive oils, honey, balsamics, traditional liqueurs, herbs, and a nice lesson on mastica, which is the resin of a small shrub that has a wide variety of uses both culinary and for health. We were able to smell and taste these products and others while learning about their importance in the culture and in the diet. She talked about the Greek culture, cooking, health, and the diet of the Greeks and gave us so much good information! We learned so much. Did you ever hear of cotton honey? The bees like the cotton blossoms and it makes for a wonderful, mild flavored honey! This was a wonderful surprise addition to an already great trip. Thank you to Maria and Fotini for such an outstanding presentation!
In addition to this wonderful experience, we also visited a number of historical sites in Athens including the Acropolis and the Temple of Poseidon nearby at Cape Sounion, the site of the Battle of Thermopylae, Thessaloniki, the ancient city of Pella, the Tombs of Vergina where Philip II of Macedon (father of Alexander the Great) is buried, the Meteora Monasteries, and the ancient city of Delphi. We had WONDERFUL food experiences throughout including a great Cretan dinner at one of the Athenian restaurants. A good time was had by all.

Next year considering joining us when we visit Italy – or Eat-aly – as we will know it!