Fellow students,
Recent concerns have been raised as to the productivity of the Student Government Association during the school year thus far. I would like to address these concerns and inform you of the many issues being discussed by SGA.
It may seem that much of our legislation this year has consisted of commendations, and while recognizing the efforts of others is important to SGA, it is not the bulk of our work. SGA serves as the official voice of the student body; this task is achieved primarily through resolutions.
Before SGA proposes a piece of legislation, much research and discussion is conducted on the given topic. Depending on the issue, a significant amount of time must be dedicated to reach a fully informed decision. We realize this may not be ideal; however, our purpose is to ensure an accurate representation of student needs, wants, and opinions. With that stated, the majority of issues being addressed by SGA are those that require such large amounts of time.
Resolutions are not the only means of representing students; the Student Body President serves on many university committees that solicit input from students. These committees range from the Executive Budget Committee to the Master Planning Committee; serving on these committees not only allows me to gather information for students and report to Senate but also allows me the chance to convey student concerns to the respective committees. I assure you that these venues are being utilized.
SGA has made great strides to become more transparent and accountable to the study body, and we strongly encourage students to practice their civic duty and become more informed on all that is happening within the university and SGA. I would like to remind you that our website now features many opportunities to stay connected with SGA; within our website are descriptions of current projects as well as lists of Senators working on each project. For your convenience, I have included a list of projects being worked on by each of our committees. I also encourage you to attend the Town-Hall forum hosted by SGA on Wednesday, November 11th at 7:30 PM in the PSU Traywick Parliamentary Room (PSU 313).
Christopher W. Polley
Student Body President
Academic Affairs:
- Increased Academic Information
- Graduate School Testing Preparation
- Schedule Change Options
- Plus/Minus Standardization
- Public Affairs Distinction
- IDS Service Learning Expansion
- Summer Course Postings
Administrative and Information Services
- Campus Safety
- Wireless Expansion
- Bearline Shuttle Improvements
- Occupancy Signs for Parking Garages
- Campus Information Centers
Diversity and Public Affairs
- Unity Council
- Adopt-A-Street
- V.O.I.C.E. Retreat
- Alternative Spring Break
Research and Development
- Bearline Tracking
- SGA Website
- Public Opinion Poll
- Tree Campus USA
- Campus Wide Yard Sale
- MissouriState.edu Improvements
University and Civic Advancement
- University Recreation Center
- Campus Master Signage & Wayfinding Plan
- Promote Athletic Attendance
- Expanding Athletic Promotions
- Current Events Marquees
- City-Wide Student Action Program
- Political Action Forum
- Census 2010
- Bear Experience
Student Affairs
- Promote Bear Wear Fridays
- Textbook Rental
- Shuttles to Local Springfield Locations
- Student Organization Spotlight
- Student Artwork