Clint Elmore, an undergraduate horticulture student at Missouri State, presented “Two Vegetable Farmers’ First Look at Flowers” along with Rusty Lee, his summer internship mentor/employer, at our Cut Flower Workshop held at Mountain Grove yesterday. Dr. Clydette Alsup-Egbers was in the audience along with other horticulture students to help shore him up. He gave an excellent presentation based on his summer internship work and participated in the speaker panel at the end of the day. Great job!

The workshop was designed for growers considering commercial cut flower production. We had a great program with excellent speakers including Dr. Alan Stevens of K-State University, Beth and Butch Eggers who own and manage the Flower Farm on Wye Mountain in Roland Arkansas, and Andy Read, Regional Horticulture Extension Agent from Rolla. Over 40 participants attended the workshop.