Instructor Carly Pierson’s Principles of Marketing course recently welcomed two guest speakers to class—Seth Kitchen, founder of Collaboarator, and Jason Klein, founder of Logic Forte. Both speakers shared their marketing insight, including how they utilized distinctive resources to shape their strategy. Seth Kitchen created his online company in April 2019 as a full-time … [Read more...] about Principles of Marketing class welcomes two guest speakers
The Kappa Omicron Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi Professional Business Fraternity from Missouri State University received the Gateway Region Outstanding Professional Activities Award for a Collegiate Chapter. Awards were presented at the fraternity’s biennial national convention, Grand Chapter Congress (GCC), in August. Winning this award is a testament to the chapter’s overall … [Read more...] about Delta Sigma Pi chapter receives Gateway Region Outstanding Professional Activities Award
Missouri State Marketing faculty Dr. Christina Simmers and Dr. Ron Clark published a cross-cultural study that examines several issues related to the use of celebrity endorsers. The study reviews cross-national differences between the US and China in the ability of celebrities to endorse multiple products based on a combination of source characteristics (such as expertise, … [Read more...] about New research: Cross-cultural study on the use of celebrity endorsers
Growing up on a farm in St. Joseph, MO, Dr. Linda Pettijohn never expected to teach at a university, much less universities in Missouri, Louisiana, Illinois and Florida. During her time at Missouri State University, she played a large role in the development of Business Career Day and the Marketing Yourself class. Pettijohn was recently recognized on the Missouri State … [Read more...] about Dr. Linda Pettijohn Recognized on Missouri State’s Wall of Fame
The Marketing Department at Missouri State University’s College of Business welcomes three new faculty and staff this semester—Dr. İsmet Anıtsal as Department Head, Dr. Jamie Grigsby as Assistant Professor and Peggy Kahre as Administrative Assistant II. Dr. İsmet Anıtsal Dr. Anıtsal joins the department from Tennessee Tech University, where he taught courses in both marketing … [Read more...] about Marketing Department Welcomes Three New Faculty and Staff