Recently we have seen many news reports about sexual harassment.
Many of the allegations have focused on famous celebrities and politicians like Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Roy Moore, Al Franken and Matt Lauer. But we know sexual harassment is a reality in all types of work and social settings.
I want to make something very clear: Sexual harassment will not be tolerated at Missouri State University. Everyone is entitled to feel safe here and to be treated with respect. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated in any form or under any circumstance. This is true for all of our faculty, staff and students, regardless of status, reputation or level of pay.
We have a Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassment Policy that applies to all faculty, staff and students. This policy states, “discrimination or harassment against any member of the university community will not be tolerated at Missouri State University.”
If you or anyone you know has been the victim of sexual harassment at Missouri State, please reach out to the university’s Title IX office. They will listen to you, explain your options and offer resources to help you. You will not be retaliated against in any way for telling them about your situation. The university investigates all allegations of sexual harassment and protects employees and students from being harassed. I encourage you to reach out to the Title IX office even if the situation occurred years ago or happened off campus.
Join me in taking a stand against sexual harassment. Together we can be a leader in combating harassment and providing an environment where everyone feels safe, respected and valued.
Thanks for all you do for Missouri State!