The Office of Web and New Media recently overhauled our new media support web site. It now offers guidelines, recommendations, examples and resources on a variety of social media and multimedia topics.
Facebook recently released a great new plugin that allows users to link their Facebook Pages to their Twitter account. If your University unit already has a Facebook Page established but has been hesitant about using Twitter, this tool should help convince you it’s time to set up that new Twitter account.
Last week we updated all of the artwork for our Complete Public Courses in iTunes U, and we have already seen a jump in views and downloads for some of our courses.
The Public Affairs web site now sports a new look. This design incorporates the public affairs logo and theme for the year. The site now also includes a page (with corresponding video) on each of the components of the mission: ethical leadership, cultural competence and community engagement.
We enabled redirections for this morning. This means that when you visit www (on campus) or (from anywhere), you will automatically be redirected to