Another week in the Office of Assessment is in the books. We laughed. We cried. We consumed coffee by the gallons. It’s an adventure. Keeping with long-standing tradition (as of two weeks ago), here are your 10 notable Assessment happenings:
- The assessment team began working with the Graduate College to revise the graduate exit survey in order to fulfill state reporting requirements.
- Assessment Staff and GAs assisted in hosting diversity training sessions in Plaster Student Union this week.
- The penultimate batch of Public Affairs essays collected from the Exit Exam have been coded and sorted. These will be reviewed as part of the comprehensive public affairs assessment plan and shared with departments and colleges. After all, sharing is caring.
- After an extensive search through a fantastic group of highly qualified applicants, two brand new GAs were offered and accepted positions for the upcoming academic year! One will be focused on all things Assessment. The other will play a role in both Assessment and the Ozarks Writing Project.
- The short-windowed HLC Student Opinion Survey closed May 1st. 10% (around 1700 students) of the surveyed population responded.
- There’s less than one more full month of NSSE action to go. So far, responses hover at the 30.2% rate. Prizes are wrapping up. Dust is settling. Data distribution talks are happening. Survey life is good.
- Meanwhile, the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement picked up steam with a 30.5% response rate. The FSSE-G surprised with a healthy 32% response rate.
- As of writing, 33 participants across 8 Missouri State University colleges are planning to participate in the Comprehensive Public Affairs Assessment Workshop this summer. We’re excited to work with these wonderful thinking partners.
- We had a great meeting with the Creative Writing program to discuss general education assessment plans. Thanks for inviting us!