View the official recommendation memo.
Historically, the ETS Proficiency Profile, formerly the MAPP, was used as part of the University’s Key Performance Indicator related to general education. Prior to 2013, 100% of graduating seniors took the Proficiency Profile. By 2015, Assessment Council recommended reducing the number of test administrations so half of students took the Proficiency Profile and half took the Public Affairs portion of the University Exit Exam, thus reducing the testing expense by $20,000. Performance Funding Measures that are reported to the State do not currently include any reporting or utilization of the ETS Proficiency Profile.
Assessment Council reviewed the role of the ETS Proficiency Profile as part of the University’s overall program of assessment. Nineteen Assessment Council members representing colleges and units from across campus attended the Assessment Council meeting on Tuesday, September 18.
Assessment Council discussed the following: the history of the exam, the cost, motivation of students, removal from current Key Performance Indicators, changes on the part of ETS that limited reporting for the Voluntary System of Accountability and departmental reports. Members also discussed that an important goal of the Council is that data collected from students are meaningful to students and actionable for faculty in improvement efforts. Of the 19 members in attendance, 19 voted to recommend discontinuing the administration of the ETS Proficiency Profile. At the October 12, 2018, meeting, Assessment Council will consider recommendations for the reallocation of resources and how the University Exit Exam can be helpful to university-wide initiatives and the long-range plan, specifically related to the assessment of student learning. Approved minutes will be posted on the Assessment Council web page following the meeting on October 12.
Based on the discussion and the vote, Assessment Council recommends the following to the Provost:
After administering the tests we have in inventory in Fall 2018, we respectfully recommend discontinuing the administration of the ETS Proficiency Profile due to its lack of utility as a data set for assessment for improvement and accountability in the university’s current assessment plan.