The Senior Survey is the first part of the University Exit Exam. It is a brief series of questions selected to satisfy state reporting requirements and for internal efforts at program improvement. This includes first-destination information, a satisfaction item, and the chance for students to comment on their experience at MSU. At times, the Senior Survey includes additional research questions that provide useful data to various offices on campus. In the past, these have included questions on academic advisement, library use, and sustainability practices.
- 94% of seniors in the College of Health & Human Services reported that they planned to graduate in the fall 2018 semester.
- 93% of seniors are “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the quality of instruction they received at Missouri State.
- 14% of seniors took graduate-level coursework for credit as an undergraduate or in the accelerated Master’s program.
- 90% of respondents are planning to work in a field relating to their major either immediately after graduation (51%) or at some point in the future (39%).
- Primary post-graduation plans are wide-ranging. The majority of seniors indicate that they are either currently in a new position (11%), actively seeking employment (37%), or continuing their education (39%).
- Of the students planning to continue their education, 47% report Health as their graduate area of study, with 17% reporting Humanities and Public Affairs and 15% reporting Science as their areas of study.
- Of the students planning to continue their education, 40% plan to attend Missouri State in the future or are currently in an accelerated Master’s program.
- Of those not planning to return to Missouri State, the largest percentage (31%) cite “other” as their reason, with 25% reporting that Missouri State does not off the program they need and 23% citing that they want to “be in a different part of the country/closer to family or significant other.”
Comments from Students
As my time at Missouri State ends, I am really struck by how much I enjoyed it. I was a transfer student when I came here, but quickly fell in love with the Kinesiology department. I genuinely enjoyed every class I took and every instructor I had and cannot thank them enough for all they have done for me in my time here.
The Department of Biomedical Sciences provided me with an exceptional educational experience. All the professors were helpful and great teachers, especially Dr. Garrad, Dr. Ulbrict, Dr. Brodeur, and Dr. Zimmerman. Job interviews have seemed easy because of the background these teachers set for me.
Missouri State’s focus on their cultural competence and ethics mission opened my eyes to many issues in the community that as an incoming freshman I would have never seen. I think this is a core part of why I will always appreciate what Missouri State has done for me.
I had an incredible experience at Missouri State; the courses, professors, president, and overall experience was nothing short of exceptional. I would not change a thing, and I am so happy I chose to spend my college years at this University.